Let's discuss how to fix the Experimental Patch

Let’s get right into it ladies and gentleman.

Tanks: I feel like they contribute NOTHING to a fight. The damage reduction, while I understand why it’s there, is not the kind of thing you want in a game like Overwatch.

Overwatch in itself is already almost impossible to solo carry, with how much of a team based game it is, so who is going to want to play tank after this patch? They have almost 0 value in a fight, and if you’re dps aren’t doing they’re job, well guess what, you can no longer switch to someone like RoadHog and try to take over for them. For example, I had a game yesterday where my dps just constantly died, so I went Zarya to farm off their Dva and Hog. At the end of the game I had an average energy of 65% and couldn’t even steal silver damage.

I don’t personally disagree with any of the specific tank changes, but they’re reduced damage needs to be dropped quite a bit if not removed. I really don’t mind the cc difference, but if they keep they’re normal damage, they need to not be made as tanky.

Rein: Love all of this, as a tank who has fallen out of the meta, all changes are welcome, though I am unsure about the decreased healing, I would need to see it in a competitive game.

Orisa: Thank you for not giving her a mini Grav anymore, I really like what you did with her, though Supercharger will be dearly missed.

Zarya: No complaints here, I love the fact that you are rewarding skill.

Sigma: I really don’t believe this game needs MORE cc, and giving him more of his easiest ability to hit, is straying away from rewarding skill, and moving towards, rewarding unga bunga play the meta hero. This hero also already has way too much survivability, if he’s not smart enough to play away from cc while using grasp, he should be punished for that, again we should be rewarding skill, not unga bunga meta heroes. I would also decrease his shield health by about 10% to try and get rid of double shield.

Wrecking Ball: No complaints, I really like how you changed grapple.

Roadhog: While his current playstyle leans more towards flanking, I really like that you’re encouraging team play here, great decision making on your end.

D.va: 100% uptime might be a bit much for boosters. but she is really fun to play now. I also love that she gets ult charge for eating ultimates. Again, rewarding skill is moving in the right direction.

Winston: I like this, I do wish he had a secondary fire like it looks like he will in OW2, but I don’t dislike these changes.

DPS: I think Blizzard is so close to moving in the right direction with a lot of these changes (except for moving Symmetra to the support role… just no).

Genji has more mobility and can’t win an entire game with his ult.

Doomfist can now consistently do rollouts more quickly to make him slightly more meta.

Echo… did not need buffs, please look at hero pick rates. or just listen to any popular streamer, the hero is broken out the wazoo, nerfs are needed NOT buffs.

Mei: The wall is funny, which I like, her self heal is now really good at blocking things like D.Va bomb (maybe too good). But what in the heck is the melee damage for? I could understand if you said 20% more to headshots while frozen… but why melee, it doesn’t really match her playstyle.

Phara: better at displacing enemies and doing her job at area control, I don’t disagree with this, but if she’s that good at one thing, I think she should be a little less good at doing damage, you already decreased Junkrats damage and all the tank damage, so why only buff Phara with 0 draw backs?

Junkrat: So… you made him good at flanking, that’s cool, but that’s not his playstyle, I’m confused what this buff is supposed to do for him? The tire buff is nice as it can be really hard to get value out of tire against double hitscan. But seriously, did he really change, I feel like Junkrat got left in the dust, only 2 bullet points compared to others who have upwards of 10. Here’s a couple fixes I think should be added to Junkrat.

*Give his trap a larger catch hitbox so genji and tracer can’t just dash and blink right past it, and so Winston/Ball will get caught inside of it instead of somehow destroying it while landing directly on top of it.

*Make his mines more directional, if they’re below someone, send them upwards. If they’re above someone, send them downwards. If they’re to the side of someone, send them to the side, not up or down. This will make Junk more consistent and allow people who enjoy Junkrat at higher ranks to get more value out of him using their brains and mechanics and instead of being forced to spam.

Sombra: Aside from the reduced stealth time, I love this change, but her being in stealth indefinitely feels fine, she can’t do anything while in stealth, so why not let her run around the map for scouting purposes?

Bastion:…Why remove his shift? Bastion isn’t meant to be a necessarily versatile hero, he’s made for bunker and sitting down, being vulnerable, but dealing BUTT LOADS of damage. I think healing while shooting is fine.

Hanzo: Yes, just yes, idk why but I love how they changed hanzo, it just seems more… natural

Torb: Hey look at that blizzard, you actually buffed someone to be good at their intended playstyle, I’m genuinely proud of you for this, good job.

Ashe: I enjoy overwatch because of it’s uniqueness, were that many people really complaining about Ashe’s reload? I think it should stay as one bullet at a time, with MAYBE increasing the speed of the reload by 10-25%. No self damage is actually a good change IMO.

Cassidy: People can do midair flips, I don’t see why he shouldn’t be able to use roll midair (especially with his health buff being reverted, which is a good thing). I am indifferent about his secondary fire, I’m glad he requires more skill, but also… why not, right?

Reaper: This one is interesting, I haven’t been able to test him much, but I think I like how they changed him, maybe change his achievement since you can’t reload with wraith anymore.

Soldier 76: The loss of self damage on these abilities is fine with me, especially since he can still rocket jump.

Widowmaker: I think this might make widow too easy, you no longer need game sense or awareness, just place venom mines everywhere and never get flanked, maybe leave it at 1 charge but decrease the cooldown so she can consistently check one flank, without having every flank covered.

Tracer: This one is interesting, I think I like it, but also Grav/Pulse no longer can make big plays. I might reduce it’s cost by 25% instead of 50% but leave the damage at 200.

Support: They nerfed Brig and Bap? Well hey now, why don’t I take you out to dinner? (Just don’t move Sym to the support role)

Ana: I think all of these changes are great, Ana was being outshined by so many of the new supports due to power creep, but these small changes are definitely a good start to even out the balance.

Baptiste: Thank you for nerfing Immortality, but why is it still Immortality, wouldn’t it still make sense as a damage reduction field, or an umbrella type barrier similar to winston to help block damage? I just don’t believe team immortality as an ability is good for this game. Otherwise, good changes.

Brig: I like what they did, here, probably could have done more, but I have very little experience on Brig so I will not try to put my opinion where it doesn’t belong.

Lucio: Being rewarded for skill is exactly what I like to see, and his ultimate having cc just makes sense, great changes.

Mercy: I’m just scared people are going to hoard and waste mercy’s ultimate, but I really like this change.

Moira: Very creative, and honestly, I like it, no complaints here.

Zenyatta: I love the new tech, you guys are doing a great job at adding some really creative stuff to the game.

Symmetra: If you want to change Symmetra, leave her as a dps, don’t use any of these changes EXCEPT the movement speed buff after coming out of Teleporter, I really like that.

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Just FYI these changes were made by people from the OW community not Blizzard.

ML7 - Supp
LemonKiwi - Tank
Jake - Projectile DPS
Wanted - Hitscan DPS

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Thank you, yes I remembered that, though I’m sure Blizzard had some say in what did and didn’t go through.

I created a thread talking about how the tank damage reduction should have been done:

I guess it would be acceptable if she just removed the insta-kill combo Hog has some dmg reduction, but with some ammo and Hook CD compensations.

I don’t think tanks are forbidden to have burst damage combos, but it would feel less frustrating to fight against if their combos were more easier to react to or not insta-kill-burst enough.

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Great job, while I think I have a decent understanding of base concepts, when it comes to the actual numbers and how that would effect the game, I know I’m not very good with that. I really like just the slight reduction in dps from live.

This applies to how tanks work in the experimental too. 50% damage reduction reduces the skill difference between tank players too. There isn’t enough distinction between a tank that’s putting in work vs one that is just sitting there existing. Can’t deal damage but you sure are durable. Makes lower level tanks more capable by simply existing while not rewarding higher level skill that otherwise would see rewards through kills and smart decision making.

If we want a flat damage reduction across the board, no more than 25% should be considered. maaaaaybe 30%.

Tanks just need to be threatening enough in their own space that they earn respect. There’s no reason to be afraid of tanks in the experimental so everyone just walks all over them, durability aside.

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Exactly, they don’t need to be able to 1v6, that’s now what I’m saying, but in this experimental, they can’t even hold their own against a brig, the point of “making space” is to make that space dangerous, if a tank isn’t dangerous, how is he supposed to make proper space?

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I’d say 20% would’ve been fine.

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My feelings exactly. Tanks would have been perfect with 20% damage reduction along with the health buffs. 50% was just too extreme.

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I’m honestly kind of confused why they had a damage reduction anyways…

Just a guess, but I think they were trying to make a trade off with the extra health.

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I get that tanks need to be a threat but the problem is that if they’re a threat by way of damage on top of getting these durability buffs, what exactly is the point of a damage dealer?

Even more so when you consider that most of the tank busting abilities in this exp card were either nerfed or just straight up removed, and they were useful tools for busting barriers. What are the damage dealers supposed to do if there is a Rein/Orisa?

Because people say “Just don’t engage tanks in their space” but that setup effectively covers close to mid range while also having barriers for days against the likes of Widowmaker or a Hanzo without Storm Arrows.

and what of damage heroes who can’t engage from long ranges? Should we just delete Reaper from the game since he has nothing to give him an edge against these tanks?

This is probably why tanks weren’t as tanky as some people wanted them to be in the first place. Having very little damage output just isn’t fun, but having both 80% the DPS of damage dealers and 4-5x the survivability causes a lot of issues.


The biggest issues I see:
50% tank damage reduction is way too drastic. They should try a smaller nerf across the board and balance each tank individually from there. Tanks have done way too much damage in this game since the beginning, to the point where they made DPS completely useless. Blizzard “fixed” this with the band-aid of role queue, which should not have been necessary. It’s been nice no longer being instant killed by Reinhardt pins or ESPECIALLY Roadhog.

Symmetra’s healing turrets are a neat idea, except they keep healing full health people rather than the ones who need it. Either the turrets need to prioritize low health people or Symm needs a way to direct them.

Mercy’s mass rez is absolutely terrible in this version. It’s cool to see it come back, it’s even fine that it’s an ultimate again. But keeping the current cast time and other limitations means that it’s only good for tempo resurrections, which is what she does currently anyway, but it’s worse because you have to charge your entire ultimate.

Fix these couple things and let’s go from there.

Okay, but then that begs the question of “Why the extra health”. There’s quite a bit of healing in this game, so as long as you don’t over tune the dps, I don’t really think they needed that.

Ana, Bap and Brig were actually buffed.

  • Ana just received a pure healing/damage output buff by having less downtime due to fast reload.
  • Bap and Brig were buffed to reward better skill. So at highest ranks they are going to be still powerful.
  • Zen and Lucio received “participation award” changes
  • Mercy was gutted
  • Sym is just a meme

Referencing live version, the fixes would be:

  • Ana: reduce projectile speed of Grenade
  • Bap: change Immortality Field duration to 5sec; reduce damage ammo to 30
  • Brig: increase shield value to 400; reduce knock-back on Whip; bring back Armor Packs instead of Healing Packs (they no longer regenerate life), and increase charges to 4
  • Zen: is fine
  • Lucio: increase radius of auras; make his primary fire heal allies if they are hit by it during wall riding
  • Mercy: add amplification mechanic to the beams (each starts at low base value and builds up to max as you hold it, and resets if you switch between them, but carries over to different target if it is the same beam); replace Resurrect with Ward that increases health by 50% for 4sec

You’re confusion here is my fault, I thought I had mentioned that they should revert the extra tankiness as well.