Lets come up with some skills for weapons and abilities

Weapons too.

Imagine just how crazy some of these abilities could get though.

For example, Reinhardt’s shield could be deflective, and it could also have a giant shield bash, and it could also have an amplification matrix built-in, and it could also give Reinhardt a speed boost the less health it has, and it could also give Reinhardt healing by blocking damage, and it could also let Reinhardt swing his hammer through his shield whilst holding it up, ALL AT ONCE, and that’s only one ability for one character.

Some of these were even done individually across multiple April Fools and Community Creator Patches. Just throw them all into a single game mode!

Imagine just how crazy this game’s PvE could’ve been if Blizzard just didn’t castrate one of its biggest IPs…

But no, that was too much effort, please buy our £80 turd stick.

Reinhardt’s hammer. How could they make it more interesting?

This was already in game. Nano rein gave him 30% speed boost. They insta reverted it when Seoul Dynasty destroyed teams in Hanamura push.

Good times been here since day 1

Well one talent that was in the 2019 PvE BETA was called Frenzy, which made each conesuctive hit make the swinging faster. MUCH faster. You could ramp up to like 5 times the swinging speed and just melt a boss.

Also, increased knockback on each swing, perhaps a stun on each hit, the hammer could burst into flames when frenzied and will ignite enemies, you could add electricity and give it chain swings, WHICH WOULD ALSO COUNT TOWARDS THE FRENZY CHARGE for example.

Waitwaitwait, brainblast, Reinhardt can duel-wield like Balderich did in Honor and Glory. This also gives a wider charge hitbox and double hammer damage by default, as well as maybe he can throw one of his hammers and have his default damage for a short time whilst he waits for it to boomerang. Yes, the boomerang hammer would also be on fire and have chain lightning.

Yes it was, a lot of what I mentioned was, like I also mentioned, but they were all done individually, whereas in PvE you could actually unlock upgrades and apply ALL of them at once in a single game-mode.

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A reminder that there’s still four heroes with empty buttons
One of which they just added, surprising they’d do that

Reaper, Bastion, Tracer and Hanzo?

And you’re talking about Pharah’s Jet Dash, right?

Yeah, I guess they could just add anything for those abillities, couldn’t they?

Bastion should get Self-Repair back on right click and then put his grenade on E. Make it one of Torbjorn’s snare grenades.

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Forgot about Tracer
Was talking about Venture

Huh yeah, a new hero without bloated kits? How novel.

New ability, Venture eats rocks to heal. They eat Poprocks, hold the pop.

Its not ‘bloated’ to just have the average amount of abilities
The ones that have empty buttons are pretty boring because of it. Oh boy, exciting Hanzo gameplay. Pump logs, then pump a few logs a bit faster.

Yeah, but then there are defintely some that are super bloated.

You can’t tell me that Kiriko or Sojourn aren’t just cancer.

Though then again I guess that’s just their kit being overtuned, not bloated…

Anyway, shall we continue with the actaul topic of this post?

Those ARE heroes with all their buttons filled AND what are basically extra abilities built in as passives or triggered by the jump button

Thats what I call bloated, so many abilities they cant fit on all the ability buttons