Let's all forgive each other and revert mercy

Yes this bc balancing current mercy is a headache and pulling mercy mains through the dirt to attempt to do it isn’t fair either.

At the same time she has some serious balance issues right now.

It’s probably better to just revert to to a state where she was balanced… And the people that played her enjoyed playing her


Even if she is reverted (which, frankly, would be an improvement over her current position although Res still needs some changes; also consider some other third Ultimate and just scrap Res and Valk altogether if absolutely needed), she still needs some other changes to increase her skill ceiling (as she is probably a bit too consistent; probably a decent E ability and a nerf to healing and damage boost) and most of the other healers need changes (in particular Ana; she just needs SO many changes such as: changes to Sleep Dart to make it more useable, give her some self-healing so she doesn’t have to keep using Biotic Grenade on herself, and some sort of mobility so she can reach sniper perches and actually be a sniper; Lucio and Moira could also use some improvements so they work outside of tight compositions and Brigitte needs Shield Bash redesigned (i.e. move away from the heavy CC that hurts slow Heroes probably more than the dive Heroes it is designed to counter) alongside a proper anti-dive Hero).

It would also be nice if this happened a bit faster as well instead of taking almost as long as the Sym redesign (and that was just the “balancing”…).

Before new mercy was created the old 60dmg ana even got some pro playtime. Now we have Moira.

I think mercy 1.0 would get plenty owl playtime against teams stacking Ultimates as a counter and with pharah but I think in current overwatch she would be much more balanced


Stop. lying.

Old Mercy was never overpowered and actually considered underpowered for a long time (after the Zen changes and before the invulnerability buff).


Ya I’m inclinded to believe that mercy would be just fine since ana isn’t as strong as she used to be and Moira got a Nerf.

It might be perfect balance

Well here is my idea for a balanced Mercy.

Make it line of sight, and give it the delay of current rez.
Old mercy use to have i-frames when ressing. I think that would be enough to keep mercy down with the Hanzo buffs and Widowmaker still being Widowmaker.

Helden sterben nicht! It’s iconic. It’s beautiful. It’s one of the most god damn poetically beautiful parts of this game where in an entire world of violence Heroes literally get one more chance to not die.

It’s not it’s and harder to save up ults to counter a res.


She was never OP but ok


People aren’t happy with mass ress. Yet they’re fine with Zarya pressing her Q button and killing everyone LOL


I guess the point is old mercy was far more balanced and team rez may need some minor tweaks but nothing compared to mercy 2.0

Nothing was more adrenaline pumping then when your entire team died and there was no hope left a rez was able to save everything and bring us back.

Yes, #RevertMercy to make her fun again.

Back during the mythical hide-n-rez days there were far fewer stuns and CCs. Now Baguette alone is enough to keep Mercy from flying in and getting a rez off. Or Zaria will grav her, or Doomfist… or the rodent mines I guess.

All you people asking for LoS checks and not having invulnerability might as well cut the crap and request Blizz to remove her from the game cause you personally don’t like her.

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Mass ressurection (Ultimate)

  • LoS required; any teammates behind any wall will not be rez
  • Cast time; 0.8s cast time which allows enemy teams a small window of chance to prevent it like how Lucio has.

Valkyrie ( E ability)

  • Faster regen removed, no chain beams.
  • Mercy can only fly. Flight lasts for 3-5s for a 15s cd

With the SR exploit fixed, you wont get a boosted SR with mass rez. Since Mass rez is back with restrictions, Valk helps Mercy to manuever around to rez her team and rewards good positioning; you cant ressurect allies behind walls and your ultimate can be stopped.

Since mass rez can be stopped. High risk, high reward.


i never get why people who support mercy bring up the 50 hp beta statement.

when lucio and zen weren’t nerfed in the beta while she had the 50 hp going. plus people after 2 years of playing know how to utilize mercy more effectively with her GA and damage boost.

without mercy gravdragon would not be so strong as it is in the game.

also why should mercy be the only support with good healing without draw backs like other support.

Mercy wasn’t balanced though, and entire games would revolve around who could time her ult better.

And even for the generic casual player, there’s nothing less fun than landing a pentakill just for a Mercy to jump in out of nowhere and hit her ult. I think her ult still needs work because, ‘fly around and do bigger numbers’ is a really goofy ult, but she’s in a better place than she used to be.

Mercy was a little too good at covering for her team’s mistakes.

I know right? The main reason was Genji mains crying their quintuple kill got countered or tac/high noon/Self destruct ect.

mass rez was rare
most oftehn it was 2- 3 person rez
sometimes even tempo 1 person rez.

4or 5 was only possible if there was a neat little pile where mercy wasnt caught in or came back from spawn.

mercy was underpowered and used a lot in lower tiers but rarely in high tiers cause she was bad.

She got invulnerability BECAUSE SHE ALWAYS DIED when using it.

Though that was too much. Damage reduction,LOS check and some other tweaks
give her an E ability to compensate

and mercy would have been perfect


At this point I’d rather revert her and work from that iteration to give her ult more counterplay that could actually be done before the rez was actually performed (and I’m not talking about shooting her as she swoops in - we all know we sometimes used walls to rez, which is not to be mistaken for hiding). Let Sombra hack/EMP the corpses to make them temporally unrezzable, let shields block the AoE, let her have a cast-time similar to Sound Barrier, let her have some damage reduction post-rez rather than invulnerability, make the rez animation take more time to allow enemies to set up a counterattack and give it less stall-potential. Or just make her ult grant invulnerability for a few seconds and a full health recharge.

There are plenty of options.

I play Mercy. Quite a lot, actually. I enjoy Mercy right now. Quite a lot, actually. Ergo, right now is a time when at least some of the people who play her enjoy her.

Lol 30sec gravs.

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Statistically Pre-rework Mercy was balanced with a high pickrate at the low tiers with a dropping pickrate the higher up you went until you hit the top tier at GM where she was out picked by Ana, Lucio, and Zenyatta. Her winrate was at best average and she was not demanded to be played by the playerbase at large.

Furthermore Mass Res was the most balanced point Res was at. It was effort based in getting it which means that flankers doing their job and harassing Mercy would mean that Mercy could have a res once every 3-4 fights instead of every fight. It had a wide range of variability because it could be used to tempo one person back up, tempo 2-3 people back up to try to recover, could be used to bring 4 people up to attempt to salvage a team fight, or it could be used to res 5 people in desperation. This meant a lot of thought went into its use, often times leading to it being held back and not used as much as it could have been.

Furthermore Mass Res was easy to counter by simple ult economy. There are a number of teamwipe ults in the game and holding onto one of them was profitable against mercy, as if she tried to mass res a significant portion of her team back then they were sitting ducks to the teamwipe ult, often times making the Mass Res wind up being a detriment to the team instead of a benefit.

Mass Res being the way it was also meant that Mercy was hardly used at the pro level, because you got better return out of other healers. Why have Mass Res which they could easily counter due to their better understanding of ult economy when they could have 2 defensive ults (Sound Barrier and Trans) or a Defensive ult and an Offensive ult (Sound Barrier/Trans and Nanoboost).

Mercy has always had consistent easy healing, but that only mattered the most at low levels where people were bad at the game. The higher up you went high skill healers shone more. Especially Ana players at the time.