Let Sombra deal 10-15% extra damage to hacked targets

How is she balance?


Why does she need a buff? It is clear that pro players are beginning to realize her power since her rework due to increased pickrate. Only time will tell if itll flow to ranked tiers.

And for the reasons ive said above, it would be unwise to buff sombra in hack or damage especially when shes getting more popular + cc is already being heavily enabled.

He was repeating it over and over again deliberately to mock the other guy

Exactly. Tracer, Genji, Hanzo, Widow, and Pharah are much, much better at this. So why play Sombra?

Range does matter, and Sombraā€™s is terrible, with a lack of in-combat mobility to boot. Cloak is good for one target and thatā€™s it. You should also take into account armor, which in Sombraā€™s case halves her damage (for soldier itā€™s only a ~25% decrease)

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People on the forums really do not think on the broader scale. Ask yourself this, what do you think would happen if hack was buffed in this way making it more reliable as an offensive ability and also buffing sombras damage making her more reliable overall. She does around 210-420 damage per clip, you seriously want that able to be buffed by herself?

Sombra should stay unreliable until there is more anti cc to hack or counterplay in general. It has been proven oppressive when reliable. I would think the forums community would know better.

Think of how buffs/nerfs/reworks would effect the rest of the roster and the game itself, it is something that this community(including myself at times) as well as the devs fail to do time and time again.

If you need proof. s9-present is the perfect example of the community and the devs not looking at the broader picture.

Sure, but only if the hack time is nerfed.

shh donā€™t tell them common sense things, they believe they know better than everyone.

No shes not

Glad to know you sombra mains want hog gone, he is often the target for hacks and the target to shoot for a fast emp.

I dont want Hog to be removed.

Hes already in a really bad spot and deserves his own topic to be talked about tbh

then you arenā€™t fighting/calling out the right targets

Sombra basically has to build a Rube Goldberg Machine to solo someone, but Hanzo, a SNIPER (long range) can 1 shot 3 ppl in 3 seconds at melee range with half pulls on the bow string. And he doesnā€™t say annoying things to alert his presence to everyone or make sound effects when doing it.

Yes, her gun needs a buff in dmg.

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you have to think about damage potential overall in the game when you suggest things like ths. sombra would be broken af if she could do this.

she would do 320 dps with no buffs if she hit all headshots, enough to delete most of the cast if you can aim, on top of the fact that you take their abilities away.

now lets add your 15% damage boost that brings it to 368 dps on hacked targets.

now now lets add 30% damage boost from zen discord thatā€™s 464

now lets add 30% from mercy damage boost thatā€™s 560

560 dps potentially if your changes are implemented.

you may say ā€œbut shes a dps shes supposed to have damageā€

sure if she was only a dps, but youre forgetting she can literally remove a characters abilities from them too.

you cant have amazing damage and amazing utility. Thatā€™s not balanced.

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Take this from someone who thinks Hog needs something, too. I donā€™t want him deletedā€¦but if thatā€™s your reason to not buff someone whoā€™s weak, then thatā€™s counterproductive.

By that logic, Roadhog shouldnā€™t be buffed because heā€™ll just delete heroes like McCree or Reaper even more.

Sorry just the devs lack of response for two years of threads by me has me sort of depressed. I feel like when ever someone brings up one of hogs counters for a buff, all I see is him fading out of his current tier into the lower one.

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Trust. I like Sombra, and I also like Roadhog, even though I donā€™t play him.

He needs something, too. I donā€™t know what. Maybe a revert on that cooldown increase for his hook. The underpowered heroes deserve attention, though, and that includes both of them :heart:

There is always zenyattaā€™s discord orb

How come a majority of people who liked this are Mercy mains? :thinking:

uh no

thats dumb and not balanced


Amazing idea. Incentivizes more hacking and increases her damage but forces players to think ahead as they should with a Sombra. It even gurantees her kills for catching staggering enemies alone.

This is a really brilliant idea!

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People might be able to pick her in competitive without people complaining and telling them to switch?