Let Sombra deal 10-15% extra damage to hacked targets

Sure, look up league of legends crowd control disruption. Silence is classified as hard CC, shall i look up more games or do you only need one. I can look up smite, paladins, etc if needed.

I cant post links in this forum yet.

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I am pretty sure the OP said 10%-15% extra damage from just Sombra only…

The basic attacks in LoL do abysmal damage and abilities are everything, regardless of what hero you are playing.

Junkrat, Hanzo, Widow, McCree and Soldier are all still deadly without their abilities.


that doesnt make the term of CC any different? A silence is a silence no matter the game.

The community overall agrees that sombras hack is one of the strongest hard ccs in the game, next to mei freeze, as well as anas sleep. You can think whatever you want, but even sombra communites on the two most popular sombra discords will agree with me on that.


Really because I am reading something the opposite mate.

Please do.

where are you having trouble reading. Disruption category, silence, it is in the hard CC column. It is not that hard to see

Thats not good enough 15% from anyone, but hack duration is cut in half. Now getting hacked is going to be a real danger rather then the annoying chua-chua-yelping attack that it is now.

This is why the duration needs to go down to 3 secs. You will need to get your act together and hit hard or risk getting retaliated on when the hack wears off.

Discord + Hack man whoever has that is going to have a bad day.

This would be a great change to hack if they did… the briggitte mains, ohh how will they cry…

You have to look at all the categories though not just the Disruption category.

Loss of control and Immobilisation are much more powerful in comparison, which is why a lot of people have an issue with Brig’s stun.

read that link you posted, it says it in disruption category, silence, in the hard cc column/row

Smite gamepedia on cc, hard crowd control, silence.

Does not matter if its in different categories labeled as soft, it is hard cc in at least one area, and thats all i care about, especially since silences goal is to disrupt.

does not matter if people have more of a problem with it, does not mean its a stronger cc effect itself, what makes it seem stronger is the reliability.

sombras hack, anas sleep, and meis freeze are the 3 strongest CCs in the game when they are pulled off. They are balanced because they are incredibly hard to pull off reliably compared to every other form of CC. That is the difference

There is no counterplay to sombras hack without it having a ton of bugs and being out of its los. Thats why sombra was basically becoming meta during 2 weeks before her nerfs around march. She was a monster in terms of CC because she was reliable.

Hack is a hard CC, especially in this game

How about extra damage on targets with less than like 50-30% how instead?

You have to look at all the columns though which there are 3 columns, and out of those three columns, two of them are classified as soft crowd-control. Yes it is considers has a hard CC for disrupting, but overall silencers is classified as a Soft CC due to the fact that it doesn’t prevent your movement at all, let alone you can still attack.

I am reading the same link that I provided to you.

yes, and what is hacks purpose in this game. To disrupt. So indeed, hack in this game is full hard CC. You may be wanting to deny it, i will not argue further on the matter, but majority of the community agrees sombras hack is one of the hardest ccs in the game, and thats all i care for. I just hope to enlighten

Yeah… only prefer it from Sombra only and I am pretty sure the OP made this thread talking about 10%-15% extra damage from just Sombra only.

The ability Hack has many purpose though not just disrupt, but okay.

Um…ok. Good day to you sir lol

all of its uses are to disrupt, even disrupting health packs from the enemy. And thank you for your kind retort.

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Well, the reason is because her kit is so easily disrupted, and she has no burst, and she has so many delays in her kit. So there are other hero’s kits who do her job even better…

So people want something to be consistent and more fluid. People suggest her kit - people think that’s broken and OP. People suggest her gun - people think that’d be broken.

She’s kinda lacking…but so many people are unwilling to give her something :joy: