Let Sombra deal 10-15% extra damage to hacked targets

She doesn’t need a damage buff. She is pretty good at mid-range and her gun can surprise you with the amount of damage it does. Despite this, I think she should receive some damage buffs so at least players don’t see her as a handicap to the team, thinking she does no damage

You say that like it’s hard to flank. I’ve taken Roadhog onto King’s Row attack, got behind the enemy team, and emoted in the corridor so I got a third person view of the point.

With the largest and loudest hero in the game, I slipped by unnoticed and gave as much information to my team as going Sombra would have.

Don’t pretend like the map doesn’t do all the work of flanking for you.


But Tracer, Genji, Hanzo, Widow, McCree, Junkrat, Pharah, Doomfist etc etc can all do their job with roughly the same impact. And a lot less skill requirement. I’m against hack becoming a form of discord though.

I’d prefer extra damage on heroes based on a health threshold, whether its percentage based, value based or case by case with each hero. You know, gear her more towards being an opportunist if you’re not going to let her join team fights properly.


I don’t mind reducing the time honestly, that way people can really stop complaining about that aspect of Sombra has it is the worst thing ever.

But if they go that route, then they need to either reduce hack cooldown, and have it inflict some sort of damage as well. But then people will complain saying that she deal actual damage lol.


This… people always seems to forget that Sombra has to work literally 2x as hard to secure kills honestly. Besides EMP an Zenyatta.


hack cool down needs to go UP not down, her damage during hacked targets goes up, but the over time enemy is hacked will be reduced.

Now you can’t just go around spamming hack like an idiot only to translocate away when you fail to kill an opponent.


Hanzo just spams away with arrows and storm arrow, gets kills, lunges away.
Junkrat spams away, his nades shoddy hitboxes means it clips through without doing damage, but he still gets some with splash damage.
Bastion spams away with his horrible spread, still gets some damage in or a kill here and there.

But you’re right, Sombra is the one character that spamming needs to be removed from.


What if instead, a hacked target took +5% increased damage from everyone on your team.

Increasing Sombra’s team utility and affecting the other five players on your team would be incredibly impactful and prioritize focusing down hacked targets.

Before anyone says this is too powerful and or oppressive and would be unfun if stacked with other things like Mercy’s damage boost and Zenyatta’s Discord I honestly don’t think so. Also I personally believe damage boost and discord should be reduced from +30% to +20%

But I’m just really the unpopular opinion puffin lately, ngl

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If the hacked target duration is reduced from 6 seconds to 3 seconds and the hack cooldown is 8 seconds, but it now inflict a small damage when the hack is complete or if the hack target receive x% extra damage from only Sombra … why does the cooldown need to be increase when the CC (silencer) is still a soft-crowd control?

If anything the ability need to reduce to 6 or 5 seconds to be completely honest as the target still has his or her full control movement, the target is not stationary, and most importantly the target can still use his or her primary.

I just love the double standards when it comes to Sombra honestly.


I don’t know how I feel about this honestly.

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<every player in the game in plat or above complainin about widowmaker or hanzo for an eternity
<sees your comment that you cant have too much dps

Are you sure about that

silence is not soft crowd control. Silence especially a 6s long one is the most powerful cc in the game outside of sleep.


I wouldn’t mind it, but I feel like Sombra should have her own source of damage rather than being a discount Zen.

Silencer is a soft crowd control mate as you still have control of your hero.

Sleep Dart on the other hand is a hard crowd control as you loose all control of your hero.

Hack as a Silence is a 6s 90% stun. That is more powerful than any stun in the game besides sleep which is a full stun for 6s. in other games it is regarded as HARD cc, especially mmorpgs/mobas which this game was originally meant to be which was an mmorpg and it has elements from mobas

Soft crowd control is what lucios knockback is.

a 15% increase in damage is huge, you should be able to 1 clip orisia. 6 Sec hack is just stupid and most chars have decent primary fire that sombra can’t just take them out.

A hacked reaper is just as leathal, so is mcree, soilder, hanzo e.t.c, But if you have a 15% damage boost all of a sudden they will be on the run and the Real puta of the game will be acknowledged.

Hack cool down can remain at 8 secs.

the 15% damage would be from everyone on the team not just sombra, now being hacked is going to hurt, not just annoy as it does now.

The duration of hack is powerful yes, however, it is still a Soft Crowd Control solely because you still have 100% control of your hero movement, you can still use your Primary etc.

where are you getting your sources from? can you provide a link please as to what game are you talking about.

Discord is one of the key reasons why Zen has been the character that has remained meta longer than any other hero in the game. Another discord would be too much.

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