Let’s fix Overwatch! List of every hero and how balanced they are, along with rebalance suggestions for every unbalanced hero

None of the overpowered heroes listed in the thread are overpowered.

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I trade you a read and comment on your big post for one of my Big post :joy:

Ill bookmark to read later, i do disagree with bastion needing a rework btw

She needs 2 abilities to even do decent dmg

Remember that it only works when shes hitting a target

But he has to get near you, most of the other dps can do dmg from a considerably safer distance

His survivability will only be noticeable if you let him do what he wants, and he uses RP to engage rather than kill most of the time, so his using multiple abilities to get 1 kill.

Roadhog Hook is not hard to land on him and he will do massive dmg since he has a big hitbox.
Orisa can deny anything he trows at her and her Halt can screw him really bad (she was literally designed to counter him)

Zarya can also bubble whoever he engages making them really hard to kill while also charging her

Like i said hes not OP, he is a hero that requires you to be wary of him, not knowing what hes doing will cost you a lot, in fact i consider him to be the same has Junk, he punishes bad gameplay

Yeah because that happens EVERY GAME

He was alone, leaving easy to punish

Widowmaker is countered by D.Va, Reinhardt, Winston, Reaper, and, like you said, another Widowmaker.

Stats from a third-party website doesn’t mean much. Besides, Blizzard has stated that Mercy is a strong single-target healer who is supposed to outheal every other healer in the game. Ana has much better burst-healing capabilities, especially with the relatively recent buff to her Nano Boost, making it now instantly heal the target for 300 health upon use; and Mercy’s pick rate is still low. Judging from what Blizzard has said about Mercy, she’s supposed to, again, be a strong single-target healer, but that’s certainly not what she is right now.

As for Bastion, I’m fairly certain that the pirate ship strategy is officially dead thanks to the newly reworked Torbjörn. Besides, it’s not like it was any difficult to counter it before. Roadhog can counter it with a simple Chain Hook, Mei can counter it with her Ultimate (Blizzard), Sombra can counter it by hacking the Bastion, and so on. Once the attacking team loses their Bastion, they lose their momentum and is unable to set up again because they’ll just be shut down before they can.

Besides, Bastion being good on only one single map, only on attack, goes to show how bad Bastion is. That’s not a positive thing. No hero should only be good on one map.

By the way, please keep in mind that the list isn’t the most important part of this thread. I’m not saying that Bastion and Mercy are equally as bad or that Symmetra is in a better place than Mercy is. The list is just a quick and simple way to see what I think about the current state of each hero balance-wise. I’ve written in-depth paragraphs about what I think about each hero that I deem unbalanced below the list.


I suppose the theory is that he can close the gap with shadow step but like… Good luck with those footsteps

Anyways I’m not here to get into another mercy debate so

If you didnt got a bullet in your head while teleporting

REAP POSITIONING is so loud lmao. How are you gonna get to Widow on ilios ruins like that?

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