Let’s be honest. The Devs don’t know what they want for Symmetra

I hate to say it but they knew what they were doing.

They just didn’t give a duck about who actually plays Symmetra.

It was all for owl optics, a half butt way to raise her goose egg pick rate by turning her into a team taxi before tping back ASAP to switch to a meta hero.


Funny that she’s still not played. Guess Jeff Kaplan will never be able to retire.

They didn’t fix her tickrate, that is fixing a bug that was to do with her tickrate and how it worked which caused it to be able to be abused. It is still bad against tanks and armour because of the current tickrate, read the thread, many posts established this.

Hmmm, regenerates ammo on barriers. High dps with a slow charge rate. Can melt tanks because of their size easier than any other target at lvl 1. Guys she’s a Tracer counter obv.

It’s really not that complex sweetie. You aren’t starting to charge that orb on the dot right after using your beam, there is an interval of nothing, so by the time orb is finished, you have around .5 of a second to start recharging that beam. Think again.

Maybe not in silver but in plat or above you aren’t going to have time to do much so turrets is the best option generally speaking. Which is an issue.

Both of what? You really aren’t the best at structuring these posts are you? Let me spell this out to you as you aren’t getting it. Enemy is retarded = you might have time to use orbs or primary. Enemy has a brain = you die before you can do much of anything, so turrets is the best bet.


People claim that Symmetra is a ranged hero. If her orbs fired at 30mps I would agree. But they don’t. She’s close to mid at best. She needs to have the HP/Shields to reflect this.


10:05 - 10:26
Other news channels eluded the same thing.

I really dislike her current state, but I supose that’s because I really enjoyed her old play style. I used to main her before any of her reworks (it was actually my favorite time to play her), and still main her on the first rework, but after this one…

This rework wasn’t targeted for the symmetra players, they just changed her so much I don’t think I can even say if it’s bad or not, I just don’t enjoy it.
Her kit just feels messy, like it’s a bunch of leftovers of her previous abilities.

I’m not going to say Symm 3.0 is the strongest she’s been, but it’s certainly the form of her which presents the most oppertunity. Devs have already said it. The changes were to make her gameplay overall more healthy, and attempt to make her less niche, which she’s definitely not as niche now, since prior to this, Symm was only really good on a handful of maps. Now she can adapt to a lot more situations.

Devs knew what they were doing and they did it. Does it need adjustments? Sure. Is it a better starting point than Symm 2.0? Most certainly.

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And? Why does that mean it’s broken?
Reaper deals less damage against armor, and that is intended.

Well, she does counter Tracer.
But have the devs said she is a tank buster or not?
Is she meant as a barrier buster?

It’s not like it’s difficult to start using your orb at the time you let go of your other button.

how about you either use the turrets to distract them as you attack and set up a massive flank for your team? or have a secure nest from which you can spam your orbs from and wittle your opponents down and use the teleport as a get out of jail card if you know they will try and dive you.

i’ve been playing sym a little these 2 days and the hardest to deal with opponent is actually pharah, the rest has to deal with the turrets and orb spam.

yes i consider her beam to be quite weak but it does fill a function but it’s more of a niche thing, if they intended that to be her primary means of killing then she needs maybe to increase the base damage by quite a bit and increase maximum a little bit more, either that or increase the range on it by 5-10 meters.

but her kit overall is pretty good, just needs tweaking on the beam imo.

With her new turrets, you can often place them high enough to attack the pharah.
And seeing as she needs to land 3 rockets to take down all turrets, it can keep her away for quite some time.

It does half the amount of damage because of the frequent tickrate. It is an issue as Brigitte exists.
She doesn’t counter tracer, if the tracer has a brain. She will dodge all you attacks and melt you before you can get turrets up.
Barriers are mainly used by tanks, so yes. She is in a way a tank buster.
And no, generally speaking here there is that downtime, and even if you do instantly start charging an orb, it’s not like it will hit much exactly. And that’s still less than a second to find something to charge it off.
I’m beginning to think you haven’t ever played symmetra.


if you are using your turrets offensively to kill 1 pharah and nothing else you are losing lots of value and protection. better let ashe or widow or mccree or any other anti-pharah character to deal with her.

also there’s no way a pharah is just going to hang in the air exactly next to those turrets when she got literally the whole sky to use to get away from them, she can simply ignore them.

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Exactly, Im starting to think that sral forgets the immense cd on all 3 turrets combined.

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It might make it difficult for her to kill people who counter her, but that doesn’t mean it’s broken.
Should we give pharah a shield that only blocks bullets from mccree and Ashe?

So now the symmetra doesn’t have a brain?

Busting a barrier doesn’t mean you need to bust the tank behind it.

Feels like you are assuming quite a lot…

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I’m not saying you kill the pharah.
Only that you can keep her away while you deal with other targets.

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Her kit doesn’t link well with her or the rest of her kit, look at Genji as an example his kit worked perfectly for every ability he has. They all link well with one another and work smoothly. Now look at Symmetras her kit doesn’t work well with the rest of her moves. There aren’t really and Combos for her are there?

Rog can hook then shoot combo, Genji dash and M2, Reaper tp then ult, Brig bash whip. What’s Symmetras? She doesn’t really have any combos does she, because her kit doesn’t work well with itself.

There is gonna be someone that can do what she does but better. The rework failed, it didn’t fix any of her previous issues. It made more issues.

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i mean if pharah didn’t have space to fly in and your team was struggling to deal with her and not the rest of the team, then maybe turrets to limit her space could work but i mean still i don’t think it would work that well.

for example last point on kingsrow, maybe?

but i honestly think sym has potential but her beam needs to be looked at, it’s a little too close range weapon that needs to be charged on opponents to be even decent, and we all know the closer they are the higher the damage needs to be for survival. either she sits in a sentry nest and spam orbs and charge on fools running into her nest but honestly the orb burst might be more reliable at that point.

the one thing i wished they could do with her teleport is to let her shoot orbs through it so she doesn’t even need to peek to shoot orbs, she just puts a teleporter down and shoot orbs into it. or let her beam go through it aswell so she could stay pretty far away and use the teleport to charge her beam from far away.

but still, i think her combo is to set up a nest and shoot orbs from there and anyone trying to enter her nest will get microwaved, that kind of thing. but that’s not that feasible on many maps so she needs to constantly set up sentries that will be shot down in more of an annoyance kind of play.


You clearly didn’t understand my point. Tanks have armour, which would be fine for Sym if there was a hero that gave literally every hero in the game 100+ extra armour. Which takes double as long to melt. Therefore if she is going to be viable against goats or any other team comp with a brig in it, they need to fix her tickrate.

Did I say that? No. Whether the Sym has a brain or not, there isn’t much at all she can do to stop a tracer without expending all turrets which might not even kill her in the first place. Don’t put words in my mouth.

In symms case it does. You don’t NEED to, but it is her job. That’s like saying “as bastion you need to do damage but not kill people.” They go hand in hand.

Feels like you havent played Sym quite a lot…

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This ^^^

Her secondary is lethal up close, as she gets to play as a CQC Pharah. Her secondary is her new primary, and her primary is just a tool for breaking barriers.

This anti-barrier worked back when she had lock-on, but her secondary could pierce barriers.

The Devs completely ruined this hero, and I completely regret getting her gold gun.

Overall, I want her primary lock-on back. I want her gun reverted.

Take away her turrets, make her TP infinite until destroyed, and give her back her photon barrier.

That way her TP gives her mobility. Her turrets are gone away witb because of how problematic they can be, and her barrier gives her sustain in CQC where her gun and DPS flourishes.