Let mei oneshot tracer again!

seriously why would they remove this. tracer favoritism is what ruined overwatch 1 balance. Lets not do it again


You didn’t get the memo? No DPS other than tracer, cass, ashe, widow or hanzo are allowed to be viable.


to be honest i have no clue why they gave tracer 175 hp to begin with but i agree.

Maybe they should buff meis headshot multiplier?

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I’m all for giving mei the ability to oneshot tracer again, especially if we’re doing dumb things like letting hanzo one shot people again too.

Only problem is that her current icicle damage is already in a really good place for the overall HP threshold of most characters. She can headshot + body shot basically every squishy.

As much as Qrow will disagree with me because he worships tracer, her HP buff was categorically unbalanced. They broke her character design with it and franky i’m surprised more people aren’t annoyed about it.

Tracer one tricks will argue that every other character got hp changes - yet no other character has 3 blinks, one of the smallest hurtboxes in the game, nor do they have a get out of jail free card that’s basically guaranteed to be used sucessfully due to the extra HP.

Tracer was also significantly buffed after the projectile changes and the introduction of the DPS passive as well, arguably more so than a LOT of other DPS characters.


Cry about it. You’re wrong and always will be.

“I wanna have all the health buffs and hitbox buffs from S9 but SHE shouldn’t get them because I’m too bad to hit her twice”

THAT is your argument. You want one shots back? Make them hard to hit again, AND your breakpoints are also reverted. Happy? No? Still need the crutches S9 gave you?

Y’all are pathetic, and name dropping me makes you even worse :man_shrugging:t4:

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Did your other account get banned lol?

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The mods don’t ban my accounts

At least I actually make a reasonable argument, yours consistently comes down to “iM a gM TrAcER, yOu’Re jUsT wRonG wahhh” insert waluigi noises here.

Also i’m incredibly impressed with my ability to literally summon you even on a different account HAHAAHAH.

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No you don’t. You want to keep the universal buffs that benefit you, but remove them from the heroes you don’t like because you’re too bad to play or face them.

Yeah, because guess what? Not only am I a GM Tracer, I’m a T500 Tracer. I get to flex my rank and be confident that I’m the best player in pretty much any given thread, while you have to hide yours. When push comes to shove, there are only a small number of people on here who can even hold a LEVEL discussion with me. Most, you included, aren’t actually good enough for me to give you the time of day. I do at first though because I’m nicer than y’all deserve. Honestly, I should just enter conversations like this in a much ruder fashion. Y’all have been told enough times that you’re wrong.

When you’re willing to give up the S9 buffs for EVERYONE, Tracer’s one shot breakpoints can come back. Happy?

They ruined Kiriko’s combo against her as well, they need to bring that back too.


You’re strawmanning me, i’ve never said i’m for the universal health changes. I WANT a full revert, i’m pointing out the glaringly obvious dev bias with balancing when it comes to tracer.

My argument here is that since the devs are never going to admit that big of a mistake, i’m all for adding in balanced interactions that bring characters more in line with the rest of their role.

They implented multiple sweeping universal changes that benefited her more than basically any other character when she was already easily in contention as the best DPS.

And you’re proving me right. Your argument is literally just you pleasuring your own ego in public hahahaha.

they just need to nerf her health back to 150, or make her take 1.25x headshot damage or something

I’m not. Did you ever say “Revert the S9 patch!”

NO. You said “Revert the changes to Tracer specifically”

Don’t try to go back or your words now. That’s even more pathetic.

Oh? Was it the comparatively LOWER health buff that she got? Oh, or how about the comparatively LOWER damage that she got? The HIGHER cooldown on Recall? The WORSE cooldown efficiency because of reduced strafing power? Tracer has gotten nothing but nerfs since S9 when she was objectively buffed less than almost every other hero. The only heroes worse off than her as a result of the S9 patch are the ones that got NERFED by it.

You don’t like Tracer because you’re not good enough to deal with her OR play her. We get it.

And your argument is ignoring reality to cope with your own skill issues. I said what I said. You aren’t even good enough for me to take you seriously in an argument. And you PROVE that with your piss poor takes. I’ve seen Silvers with more game knowledge than you.

So no bitch. You wanna name drop me in a thread I wasn’t even in to talk shit? I’M GONNA DO IT BACK. And I’m gonna win, like I always do, because all you can do is talk about my ego while trying oh so hard to ignore the fact that it exists FOR A REASON.

In short, skill issue, ggez, cry harder, get good.

That’s literally a strawman argument you smooth brain, you’re just wildly assuming i’m for the universal HP changes simply because I didn’t explicitly say I wasn’t.

Continue to enjoy your extreme survivability handicap my friend xoxo.


It’s not an assumption when you single out ONE hero for UNIVERSAL buffs. You’re backtracking and it’s sad.

Continue to enjoy NEVER being on the level of someone who likely started several years after you did. How does it feel that a new player was smurfing your peak before even hitting 300 hours?

I miss this interaction but I don’t think it’s the end of the world

It’s rare to hit a Tracer with icicle, but when you do, like 98% of the time she will die, because it only takes 5 damage from any other source and she’ll die

It’s kinda like the Junkrat and Hanzo arguments where if you landed a combo/headshot a few seasons ago it’d “only” do 245 damage. like yes it’s not a one shot, but that amount of burst damage will kill most 250hp heroes anyway because of the fact that the game isn’t about 1v1s and the probability that your target has already taken 5 damage beforehand is massive

true (i’m not biased)

:thinking: :upside_down_face:

How many alt accounts do you have? :upside_down_face:

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Enough to talk the way I do :slight_smile:

because one shots are complained on the forums.