Let’s talk Doomfist for a quick minute

Blizzard doesn’t fix anything quickly. They aren’t the best development company. we’ve seen that painfully well by now. They didn’t update the game at all for the last 3 years. They finally are working on it again, and are fixing glitches that doom players shamelessly exploited. It’s about time. Doom doesn’t have ‘techs’. He has bugs players learn to exploit. Blizzard is finally fixing that.

I do hope they buff doom next. He needs help to balance correctly, but he should be balanced the right way (planned and thought out), instead of allowing his players to abuse exploits in every game. Let’s design the game correctly.

If turning your camera to turn your slam is a bug, then wtf is their code.

The ledge interactions were bugs for sure, but I refuse to believe that turn slamming is a bug. That was tech built into the game.


you clearly dont play doomfist, my dude

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I did in the past, but I wanted to play heroes that take skill, not a hero where you exploit bugs to one shot people, so I switched.

yeah yeah, you surely did.
i’m sure it wasnt because the techs were too hard to do in game


Bro, you’re silver. You don’t need technique. Close your eyes and punch into the other team and you’ll climb to plat at least.

A correction would mean allowing him to control his movement still, but thats not how it is now.
All control over slam is gone, its just winston leap.
That’s not more fun, not more engaging, and not a correction. It’s just a nerf.

Sure, man. i’m really certain that you moved on to another hero because you’re soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good at the game

Ok then tell me why the fist bouncing is still a thing. OH WAIT THATS A BUG. Angle punching, OH WAIT THATS A UNINTENTIONAL BUG TOO. Don’t forget turn punching, THATS A BUG TOO WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED? Name a thing that was actually fixed, all they did was remove janky mechanics caused by adding Winston leap (unlike original slam, that crap was so buggy and it was never fixed, but was at least UNIQUE, and fit a purpose) that players could manipulate to their advantage making a ACTUAL SKILL CEILING, but instead they removed all of his mobility. Bugfist was fun not because of the bugs, but because his skill celling was so high, and there was so much cool tech to learn with him (due to the bugs). They should have just keep him the way he was and made his fist not 1 hit (which really is the only reason people don’t like doom in most elos, only high elos have actual combos), and actually fix his internal mechanics, dooms dead for OW2, no one will want to play him both because he is really weak, and its not a fun hero its incredibly bland, and all the doom players I’ve talked to, refuse to play him after trying him, and say he’s crap and not the hero he once was, that made him fun. He’s not fit for a tank role, so now they have him in a sudo DPS/TANK role with crappy damage, no real tanking capabilities, and he will be the worst tank in the game on release unless he’s changed.

One shot is awful gameplay? Hanzo, mei, echo, tracer, rein, junk, hog, sigma (in OW2) All either flat-out have 1 hit mechanics, or combo/1 clip mechanics. Do you hate those heros too?

I guess have fun with a crappy hero that no one will play ever.

I think all one shot mechanics outside of ults should be removed from the game. Correct. One shot mechanics are lazy game design, and goes directly against engaging gameplay.

Most people don’t want to play a hero whose playstyle is abusing bugs and glitches to one shot people. It’s just not fun gameplay to most. It’s about time that was fixed. Now doom players can pick up a hero that takes actual skill. One shot heroes don’t have a high skill ceiling. If people want easy, non-engaging gameplay, they go doom/hanzo/widow/hog/etc.

I 100% understand if most doom players don’t want to play him anymore. He’s now a challenge. Doom players tend to be the first to whine instead of adapting when their hero is countered. People who want challenging play don’t tend to pick up doom (or any one shot hero) in OW1.

By that logic roadhog, widow, hanzo, and junkrat needs reworks as well

One shot mechanics involve skill and are NOT lazy game design, and are directly engaging gameplay.

First off, you are not abusing bugs for the one shot, and any good doomfist player doesnt use fist for that.

2nd doom is one of the most popular heros in the game, like what are you smoking, can i have some?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, i cant even keep a straight face with how stupid this post is, you have clearly shown you are not worth my time, don’t expect a response.

I agree completely. Sojourn as well.

If that’s how you feel you’d make a very great game designer