Less than three hours away

sounds fun to me.

i’d love to see wot they have in mind for her.

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What was his suggestions?

He says Moira is skillless, which is genuinely untrue, no hero is “skilless”

I agree she needs to be harder to play however people really overestimate her actual power.



Even if it doesn’t come out today I have my backup plan, loba is also coming today!

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Did he have a specific demand like “Moira’s orbs are overpowered and need to have a 30 second cooldown like ressurect or immortality”?

yeah i cant wait to get apex legends sombra

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I had to play for 1 week straight in order to have enough to get her, so she better be good

yeah he says that his orbs are “soo op”

like this man is gm yet he cant avoid a moira orb LMAO

seriously, if you cannot avoid a slow moving object and you’re one of the best heroes in the game, u suck.

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i dont really play apex anymore, its still a fun game though imo

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Between apex and overwatch i’d rather play overwatch but sometimes it’s too meh u.u

yeah but i genuinely suck at apex loads more than i do with overwatch

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I know right lol, I still can’t figure out if I just suck at it or everyone is too good… :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s so funny!!

Anything else?

dude the anniversary is sadly not coming tonight…

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yeah my skill is unreliable

sometimes i literally dominate and others i become a >500 bronze player apex variant

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thats it really, he says her grasp is too strong but its fine, its not really a lock on

hot take every hero is balanced and equal and there is no such thing as a throw pick

there are some who need a little buff but overall i think blizzard has done a great job balancing their heroes

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It’s really sad that the popular opinion is the opposite.

its just because people are giant meta slaves and that if someone starts winning a few games with a certain hero then it becomes meta.

there were ones like goats and moth however i genuinely feel those were the only real game winning metas

the rest i feel are just dumb and will not really help that much with winning

like play who you want theres 32 heroes for a reason, choose who you like

I can kinda agree… I mean double sheild was pretty overpowered. It made the time to kill higher or shorter depending on if the enemy team was running the same thing or not.

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yeah i dont judge anyone for playing any hero, its their choice and i have faith in their confidence in that hero

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