Lego Overwatch is a thing now

As someone who used to be like totally obsessed with Lego as a kid and who still follows what they do because of interest and nostalgia it was really cool (and honestly kind of surprising to see them) license Overwatch (businesswire. com/news/home/20180522005658/en/) ? I suppose if they can do Marvel violence they can do Overwatch violence. So I was wondering what they would do with this and decided I’d talk about it here cuz why not.

First I thought they might do Brickheadz, which is this new line of chibi figures (which are basically just like… cute rectangles with eyes and no face :eyes:) that they’ve been doing with properties like Marvel, DC, Harry Potter, and Ghostbusters. They’re clearly trying to elbow Pops out of the cute collectables market so it confused me that Blizzard would willingly license a new competitor - which is totally similar in style - to vie for attention when they’ve already invested what looks like a full 27 series in Funko. The counterargument to that is their Nenderoids, Figmas, and statues, so this is still a possibility. I think it’s most likely because it seems like Lego is just trying to hoard diverse IPs for these things so they can challenge the Western collectable merch market status quo, and this format would be the easiest for them to do because it sidesteps the tank problem which is -

I can’t imagine them making minifigures. It would require full sets of new moulds for every single hero and they have these things called bigfigs which they do for the really big characters but the models wouldn’t work for OW heroes so they’d have to make new versions of those too. Overall it just seems kind of unrealistic, so I can’t imagine they’ll do the whole collectable figure thing. And of course this disqualifies playsets. My issue with those specifically is the lack of play value which is kind of essential to selling Lego stuff to kids. Sure they make big expensive display models for adults so that could be possible, or maybe vignettes? Otherwise I’m not sure how willing they’d be to put that much into making new figures when the sets themselves wouldn’t be able to do much. Usually something has a laser or a missile or it can be knocked down or something and that doesn’t work for OW. It would be dedicating too much money with no promise of returns equivalent to the production cost solely of the figures, and the prices would inflate because of those new moulds depending on how many were in a set. I think it would be neat to have Lego versions of the maps but I can’t see it being the case.

Finally, they could do full buildables, which I think is most likely after the Brickheadz. These are figures based on the constraction system which got popularized by Bionicle (man who remembers) and most recently has been used for making realistic Star Wars figures. Because of the versatility of the humanoid system, this would be a pretty viable medium for making all of the offense/support/defense characters. The problem is the realistic designs would stop them from making good tank figures, because they’d be forced into an accurate reproduction of size and proportion (looking @Orisa and D.Va here) the system doesn’t afford them the same way the stylization and focus on cuteness the Brickheadz have.

I’m sure that no matter what they do, not all 27 heroes will get a representation and my money is of course on the original 21 roster (Tracer and Reaper are guaranteed, basically), so they can probably avoid having to translate the more unconventional designs anyway. I’ve seen people make their own cool versions but you have to consider the posability, stability, and child useability of all of this stuff, so some of the things people have made before just aren’t feasible commercially.

So to anybody interested about this partnership those are my predictions :v:t2:


I haven’t read this post, it’s just too long but I’m glad to see that someone is as excited about that Lego thing just like me. :sunglasses: :scream::face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I was just going to make a thread about this, haha! Glad to see someone else is excited about it.

I think they could totally make Overwatch minifigs. Tracer, Widow, Junkrat (they already have a pegleg piece), etc. would all be fairly standard figures. Orisa, Bastion, Rein, and D.Va’s mech could all be buildable. Rein’s armor could be like a smaller Hulkbuster set, for example.

If you look up the other heroes I mentioned, there are some really cool custom versions of them that are to scale with the minifigs. They’de be sort of similar to Hulkbuster too.

The only character I can think of that would need a custom mold would be Winston. They already have a gorilla figure (Grodd), but it would need to be edited so that it has Winston’s armor.

Also, if you look at this article, it says “There will be multiple Lego building sets across various price points.” The buildable figures or Brickheadz wouldn’t have varied prices.

Plus, just think of the cool sets they could make! The Junkertown payload (and Junkrat’s shack, maybe), Numbani Airport battle, Eichenwalde castle, the KotH map dropship… Oh boy, I’m making my wallet cry just imagining all the possibilities.


I see Crash is see Tracer life be complete

If there ever will be an Eichenwalde set, it will be mine! :scream: :exploding_head: I also can’t wait for the mini figures, loved the Disney themed ones so much.


Yeah see I considered that but again every hero would need a new mould for at least hair and weapons, if not more specialized pieces e.g. Reaper’s mask and cowl, and scaling the built figures would be hard to do as well. Also, the different price points thing was something I had considered going against me BUT Brickheadz can be sold singularly OR in double packs, and constraction figures are priced differently based on size e.g. the tanks would all be classed as ‘titans’ and have 2x+ the non-titan figure pieces.

But yeah they could definitely make some cool system models I’m just not sure if they’d be willing to sink money into so many new parts on stuff with low action feature playability cuz they’d have to rely on adult sales then.

Reaper’s mask can just be a print under a pre-existing hood. and they could easily reuse the Guardians of the galaxy pistols for Tracer’s guns.

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It’s not even real Lego, like the bricks. Nowadays, it’s all weird non-traditional Lego pieces.

Spoken like someone who hasn’t actually bought a set in a decade.

This was a problem for a couple of years in the early 2000s but it’s better now.

I would kind of rather have Mega Construx for the buildable OW sets since their minifigures have sooooo much more posability and detail.

Compare this:

To this:

Not even close.

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Yeah but it’s lower quality in print, paint, and plastic with stiff joints, poor attachment, and stability. Lego has a lot more charm

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Oh geez … I didn’t even think about payload Lego sets. … I can think of several friends obsessed enough to get these.

NOW! If they’d just stop nerfing every single character in the game …




If we’re getting system and we’re getting payloads then I’m just… praying we get Junkertown and honestly? I’d still get it even if it was one of the big $100 ones like… Junkertown is just… so good why wouldn’t you want a model


But the plastics quality of Megablocks is so poor, plus they take the lazy way out and don’t stylize most things.


Actually Lego would have the resources to make a rather detailed life size version of Bastion for the Blizzard home office or even Legoland.


I hope they do minifigures. I’ve finally grown out of Lego but I would buy overwatch playsets in a heartbeat.
Also I remember bionicle. Good times, loved the lore so much.

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My boi here understands how it is

What if they based sets more around the cinematics?
For example you could have ones like “Museum assault!” Featuring a playset of the museum exhibits and widowmaker, Tracer, Reaper and Winston minifigures. “Eichenwald Attack!” A section of the castle as a set with turret bastions, Reinhardt, OR-14 and some of the soldiers. Or “Hanamura Showdown!” Shimada castle set, hanzo and genji minifigures of course and perhaps green and blue build a fig spirit dragons like the lego ninjago sets have?

Alternatively they could just release overwatch lego dimensions sets but I dont even know if that game is still going


I’ve finally grown out of LEGO is a sign that someone isn’t actually an adult yet, lol.