Legendary edition

Hello, i got the legendary edition before the edition of the free winston pet in WoW and the free 5 epic skins and 5 free legendary skins in OW and the diablo mercy wings, i dont have them unlocked but it doesnt give me the option to redeem more. Help please. Thanks

I am sorry but your post is confusing, what pieces to what games are you missing?

sorry for late reply but if you go to overwatch legendary edition it says “5 epic skins and 5 legendary skins for ow” i didnt get those

Those pieces should be unlocked automatically I believe. Remember those 10 items are part of the standard Loot Box distribution and will simply be in your inventory in the Hero Gallery. If you have the PC version of the game, can you verify the version you own in your account management page?


i got the other skins like slipstream tracer just not the other skins promised like the misc ones


It looks like you purchased the old Overwatch: Game of the Year edition some time ago. This was a different product than the Legendary edition. The Legendary edition has some extra skins in it so that newcomers to the game can try out customizing their characters. However, they’re nothing you can’t already get in game. There’s a high chance you already have some or even all of these skins.

In this case, your account doesn’t retroactively get the skins. The Game of the Year edition had different perks instead.

oh alright, if you dont mind me asking what were the other parts of the GoTY edition

You should have received 10 standard loot boxes.

oh alright thanks.//