Legend of Talon and Hero of Numbani: Doomfist and Orisa’s tank overhauls

Also i think its to make it so the game has less screen clutter.
So they gave her a personal barrier ability instead that doesn’t add to screen clutter.


it must be that reducing cc it would kind of go crazy in 5v5 ?

he could be worse with his low cc or insanely strong with little or no strong cc to punish him.

you could stop looking like twitter activists and start thinking a little, just saying.

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Wasn’t the point of 5v5 that we no longer can stack barriers? Why get rid of her barrier?


The CC has always followed fairly consistent conventions. Explosions and melee attacks can do knockback, while pulls, roots and slows result from a sci-fi mechanic. Stuns can come from anything.

A burst damage melee attack causing a slow doesn’t conform to the game’s own traditions. Seems weird to me, but maybe it’s just me.

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Andy Please, if D.Va doesn’t have one… :frowning:

Dva, Orisa, Rat, Ana and Sym have yet to get one. But they’ll get em eventually don’t worrky :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

How do you know :frowning_face:

I just listed the ones we havent seen yet and wanted to point out that they are so few left that its only a matter of time.


Doom uses tons of combos. We’re not referring to his parkour rollouts. His combos change depending on map geometry, enemy being targeted, which CDs are available at the start and which will be available at the end.

His bread and butter is slam, uppercut then RP to disengage (with measured doses of hand cannon mixed in). Or you can use uppercut to engage a sniper on high ground, slam, RP then shoot + melee. You can RP to engage and damage, slam then uppercut to disengage to high ground. You can RP an enemy off high ground, slam to catch them as they land, then shoot + melee. Or uppercut, slam to catch them as they land, then RP. Lots of possibilities with current Doom.


They’re reducing CC on a teamwide level. You can currently run Doom in addition to two tanks which each have CC of their own. But with Doom in a tank slot, three heroes’ worth of CC is reduced to just one. It’s a huge reduction overall.


Good. It was a terrible design decision to start with and caused nothing but trouble for the game.


i think they didn’t do it because the beta is so close anyway

so he just doesn’t have an uppercut anymore.
but still retains all the mobility that uppercut could give him access to high ground.

winston bubble does this a lot, sometimes it’s practically impossible to see antinades.

I wonder what they’re going to do with d.va, since shields could protect her ult, maybe she doesn’t have bomb anymore, or it’s just not a guaranteed kill.

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Thanks for the reply Andy! I appreciate it.

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Be honest, did you guys just start working on OW2 6 months ago? Because it sure looks that way to outsiders.


Gee, thanks for ruining and completely changing my favourite DPS character :slightly_smiling_face:


I believe my question was misinterpreted, apologies if I wasn’t particularly clear.

I didn’t doubt that his new design wasn’t ready for use, I was just curious as to whether or not the look presented was going to be the finalized look or if there are elements that are subject to change.

I’m basically just trying to gauge who’s left in terms of new designs to be seen/confirmed.

Either way, gameplay changes look interesting. Curious to see how they work.

Legend of Talon?
its dangerous to go alone, take this

You don’t play doomfist but have enough of a bias against the most easily countered hero in the game to pretend you know exactly how his kit works. You are CRINGE.

I know this is just a bad post from someone who isn’t even trying to debate with a healthy mindset or in good faith but let me explain to you how Doom works in a very easy to understand way: He’s a melee-ranged champion that focuses on getting in and out using his 3 abilities, all of which have their own from of mobility.

Each and every ability Doom has can either be used to engage OR disengage.

The uppercut lets you go up, go over walls, or reach a chokepoint. The uppercut can also be used offensively as an attack to carry enemies upwards with you, taking them out of position and setting them up for your primary fire.

The slam gives Doom a small amount of vertical movement and is arguably his most offensive and least mobility focused ability- but it’s still movement, and can still be used to gain a small amount of air. It also deals more damage the higher up you are iirc and has a small amount of CC within a small field in front of it.

Then, his punch. It can be used to send you zooming forwards if you have the right timing with a hop, can be used for mid-air movement, or can be used as an attack. An uncharged punch is still viable and is used for finishing off enemies with low health or knocking them off cliffs, while a full-charged punch doesn’t kill but will kill if the enemy collides with a wall and move them farther away.

Each and every ability Doom has combos into his other abilities. You can slam to set up an uppercut, you can uppercut to set up a punch, you can kill with an uppercut+primary fire and save the punch to try and escape, you can slam someone chasing you and then uppercut/punch away if your low health, Doomfist’s entire identity as a ‘fighting game inspired character’ is his ability to combo literally everything he can with eachother. Each one of his abilities combos with his other abilites, and you can use every single one for escape OR combat.

That means, when Doom engages, he can’t just fling himself into the enemy team- he’s a DPS hero that’s easy to burst down. You have to figure out what ability your going to try and use to escape with. That’s what makes him so good at punishing the enemy for being out of position- a Zenyatta, Doom’s tastiest target, has no mobility to get away from Doom, so if Zenyatta as a support isn’t positioned around his team, Doom punishes that by being able to use every ability on Zenyatta to try and secure the pick, since he doesn’t have to worry about Zenyatta’s team capitalizing on Doom putting HIMSELF out of position just to get within effective range of his abilities. This is what makes Doom’s skill ceiling so high- bad doomfist players (and people like you who don’t understand how he plays) boil him down to a punchbot, meaning they don’t think about what they’re doing at all beyond LOL big punch big damage, and end up constantly getting themselves killed.

Playing Doom into any competent team requires more effort than most of if not the entire DPS cast. Your willing to argue about how he plays without understanding the basic design decisions involved with his kit. Tankfist in Overwatch 2 removes his entire playstyle and the combo flow he has. Not a single time in my post did I try to imply combos involved his rollouts as you seem to think, because you have no idea what your talking about, and have such a stupidly large bias against the easiest champ in Overwatch to counter your willing to sit there and cry about him while also never attempting to play him.

Overwatch 2’s changes to Doomfists kit makes experienced Doomfist players play like bad Doomfist players. He is more of a punchbot than ever before, and his kit’s flow and combos are genuinely ruined. That is the problem. That is why people who actually play doomfist instead of dedicating their time to crying about him are upset with the changes.

He is literally designed to be a fighting game character. THE DEVELOPERS in the very post your on right now, in their blogpost for the changes, even reference this. It’s his primary inspiration. You have literally zero knowledge of the things your trying to argue about. Stop.

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It’s not a spear, it’s a javelin!

Can you imagine the seething if they gave an African hero a spear? I know, it’s stupid. Every civilisation ever has used spears.