Legend of Talon and Hero of Numbani: Doomfist and Orisa’s tank overhauls

what combos doom mains do they use?
slide on some weird walls to get to places that theoretically shouldn’t, get stuck in some high ground similar to some kind of glich and then fall into the enemy backline killing any squish.

none of this is about fighting games, pressing 2 buttons is also nothing about combo.


Yeahhh… Not liking the sound of that Orisa rework, to be honest. Hard to say for sure until I’ve actually tried her, but it sounds too different. Also, it kind of makes me want to stop playing Orisa in OW1 since she’s not going to play that way in OW2 anymore, so might as well just focus of playing as D.Va and trying to improve as her for now…Until they decide to change here too… Ugh, what a mess.


I’m REALLY worried about Orisa. For what its worth, the new kit they are giving her could have been the basis for a new hero!!

Barrier, Halt and Supercharger are all core abilities that Orisa players love and what actually makes Orisa… well, Orisa.

I just hope that with the talent system we will still be able to use the old abilities we love in PVE.


barrier had to go so she could get more involved in fights, I like halt, super charge would be much more OP than it is in ow1, a good orisa ult is a fight won 100%

I believe her new combo can make her super tank, fortify >javelin spin>ult>fortify>javelin spin, it depends a lot on the cooldown in order, but I’m pretty sure it will allow at least one skill cycle reset.

Wow those reworks sound awesome

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Yeah I don’t like the punch bot emphasis either. No Doom with more than 10 hours wants to spam RP. Why can’t block buff the next CD attack or ult? More possibilities = more counterplay, more fun, better design. You could block into slam or block into strike.

Instead, Blizzard is dictating specifically how the hero is supposed to be played. You are supposed to engage with slam and kill with RP. Period. Maybe it’s fun. Maybe I’ll like it, but it appears to be a very static design with little flexibility.

And what’s the lore based explanation for why strike now slows? Surely a fire DoT would’ve been more logical.

Breaks your legs


This is SO NOT TRUE. They could give her a barrier that lasts only 4-5 seconds with 400 HP. Not so she could have it up all the time, but for emergencies.

Boom. Fixed.

I am beyond hyped for the Orisa rework.
Honestly I was expecting a bigger shield now that double shield is no longer a thing, but a Javelin that can block damage is so much cooler.

Looking forward the most to her new Fusion Driver though. My ammo management is horrible and I always end up reloading at the worst moments (and when I still have 2/3rds of my ammo left). 10/10 would remove again.

All I hope to see now is her new ult in action.

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i believe shooting blue barriers gave many PTSD players

javelin spin is her new barrier, idk if she can shoot while running it, hope so.

Blue barriers are the staple of Overwatch (Rein, Winston). Only dps players hate them hahaha. I would have loved it if the Devs made Orisa’s barrier more like Winston’s bubble.

In any case, I hope we get to use Protective Barrier on PVE.

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Looking forward to see how will Orisa feel with this rework.

Can you comment on slam still being an indicator based ability like it is in the current game?

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I understand you, but blue barriers enable a lot of bad dps too, you can just stack them while your dps who don’t know how to position are spamming the enemy and if they don’t have stacked shields they just melt.

i hope winston gets some cool toys too, on solo tank he just explodes and the distance ray shot looks pretty shy.

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giving more options to tank and supports is for sure the most important thing they can do, but taking doom out of the DPS category is a gigantic middle finger to everybody that spent time practicing him. it’s not like moving some generic toon to another category, nobody plays like doom and every DPS that played him is just screwed unless they play tank.

damn blizz, maybe design a new tank instead of taking a DPS away? this is how you’re treating your players? at least wine and dine me first man.


I mean, there’s not really a lore based explanation for a lot of things in this game, but

Exactly this, damaging the enemies legs does wonders for hindering their ability to move

The drastic cuts in damage output on Rocket Punch make me think that the ability is now an area effect ability, or an ability that can deal damage to more than one target now. But the article doesn’t seem to indicate that that is true, or is at best, unclear.

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I hope the Javelin gets embedded in enemies like Hanzo’s arrows.

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Maybe the Terra Surge emanates from the Supercharger, but it just stays on her back.

Y u take away the face paint tho :slightly_frowning_face: