Leaving comp games

There is no way to tell the difference between your internet genuinely having an outage and someone pulling out their ethernet cord, no.


Tbh as scummy as it is, if my team was about to lose and it let your internet “break” and lose no sr. I’d absolutely do it and I’d encourage my entire team to as well.

I just wish that if someone disconnects it freezes SR gains or losses for both teams. Sure, that sucks for some but it’s absolutely insane that my rank is based on 5 other random people and I can have the best game of my life… but someone leaves.

And suddenly it’s 6v5, and then someone says screw it and leaves because they know it’s a loss… And by the end it’s 6v2 and the other team has started camping us at the spawn door.

And then my SR goes down through zero fault of my own.

And I mean that wholly. Even if the team with 5 manages to win. SR freeze. We won an uphill battle but I don’t care, if that’s the only way to make it fair so that losing a 5v6 doesn’t drop my SR to the toilet then I can suffer the occasional 5v6 where the 5-side wins and doesn’t gain any SR.

I just had a game where we were doing fine. Pushing through second point in round 2 of the match, about to get it to a draw to push into round 3. Other tank DCs. WHELP. Of course we lost. Of course I lost SR. In the last 10 seconds 3 other people bailed on my team, there was no way to course correct.

So, goodbye SR. Totally fair that I got punished because of a DC, intentional or not.

Let the person who got disconnected lose theirs, but no one else, screw it, make them lose 10x. Have it only apply to solo queue so there’s no coordination.

That would be so easy to abuse. 6 people that know each other and are about to lose can still coordinate within chat, (especially those with people that have more than one account) could just set up one of their team as a fall guy to leave when they are about to lose. I get it if we maybe want to extend the time to end the match if someone leaves to like 2 minutes but only if an objective hasn’t been captured yet.

You can’t have it apply to only solo que, there are rarely games now that are only solo que players since a lot of people at least duo que, and even then that just punishes players who decide to play the game how it should be with at least a semi organized team.

Also I hate people that use this kind of argument but the reality with leavers and throwers is that while there are 5 chances each game for you to lose SR because of them, there are 6 chances for you to gain SR because of them. The odds work in your favor and they can be even manipulated further if you que with a group so your team is even less likely to leave by choice.

I guess thats a fair enough point

Leavers don’t even need to be an issue since the solution for that problem already exists in game in other modes - backfill.

Why Blizzard haven’t added this to Competitive yet is unconscionable. It’d completely resolve the leaver problem and it would help reduce queue times.

Because the idea for the game is that each match is a team vs a team, backfill does not belong in comp for OW any more than it does in League or any other game. Imagine you’re the team playing against someone with a leaver and they get a gm smurf who absolutely carries them when you were steamrolling them before. Bet we’d all hate that situation. The only thing that needs to happen is to add something equivalent to clans so that teams can be formed ahead of time before queing. That way you severely cut down on the chances of someone leaving for any reason other than a dc.

Yes, a team of 6 vs a team of 6. As soon as someone leaves a match, it’s no longer that hence why backfill is required to return balance to the match.

Overwatch is not the same type of game as League so the comparison is pointless.

They’re working on a solution to smurfs so such a scenario wouldn’t happen once that’s implemented.

Clans won’t solve the problem of leavers.

Backfill will.

Not only is this hilariously exploitable to prevent SR gain for the other team, but your suggested penalty promotes deranking (which is already a problem)

Come on man, use your head instead of projecting your blind rage

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Comp is not the same playlist as qp so the comparison is pointless.

They can only find something to lessen it, as much as I hate smurfs, there will always be ways to work around it and they will find it.

Clans will solve it if people go in together with a 6 stack. So many people will have no reason to leave unless they DC. Backfill won’t solve leavers either. It will either randomly throw someone into the middle of a round, during which you’ll still be down someone since even in QP it doesn’t fill instantly. That or it will pause the match while waiting to fill during which time more people might leave and then games just become too long.

Id rather a game take too long and be six on six than take a guaranteed loss .

Backfill literally is the only solution that actually solves the problems created by leavers

You’re really reaching now.

No, clans won’t solve the leaver problem because there’s no guarantee that no one in the 6 stack will disconnect.

It’s exactly what backfill is designed to do.

And it will never be implemented. When they designed this game the goal was for people to go in with premade teams of 6, make a clan, do that and those people won’t leave. Even then the main reason I can think of that backfill does not exist in comp is that if someone has a tech issue or their game crashes they can usually make it back quickly enough. If you backfill for them and they try to come back that isn’t fair to that person if their dc was out of their control, they deserve their spot back and can’t be denied it but the person who filled their spot also deserves it, it can’t be solved.

[quote=“Franchise117-1770, post:14, topic:497229”]

[quote=“Franchise117-1770, post:14, topic:497229”]

You’re really reaching now.

You’re really reaching too, backfill is not the magic solution to leavers. You guys are just going to have to accept it as a problem that happens and move on to the next game. It may feel like it happens to you more but it’s more likely that your opponent will have a leaver than you (6 opponents vs 5 teammates assuming you aren’t the one to leave). The leaver problem will always exist and there’s no solution that won’t cause issues or will be too complex to implement. Besides if the idea of a backfill is to make the matchup fair, then why not give the replacement the same ult charge as the person they replaced? It’s just not going to happen and let’s be real chances are if someone leaves, they are either dealing with a toxic team and had enough or they did not want to put up with getting steamrolled. Yes some people leave because they dc or are just bad people but in the other two scenarios, the people replacing them will probably leave too for the same reason. You’re just not open to the idea that backfill might not be the golden solution you think it is just like I am not open to the idea that it has any place in comp.

Edit: 2 other things

  1. What’s stopping the replacement person from just throwing, feeding or otherwise not caring. They may not be able to lose SR but there are people that could easily do that if they wanted to, it’s not like they lose anything by losing in your system.
  2. I actually forgot the second thing but I don’t feel like changing the rest of this so yea.

Citation required

Citation required

This is easily addressed using the already existing in game timers and a pause function.

I get that you want this to be a bad idea, youre just stuck in a feedback loop of narrative bias without any real substantive counter arguments why it cant work.

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No one is suggesting it is a magic silver bullet, we are suggesting its a huge improvement with minimal collateral damage

If this is your perspective, you really arent qualified to participate in this discussion. Admit youre trolling, take your own advice, and move on to a discussion where youre actually going to, you know, discuss.

Your priority here is to derail, not contribute to a meaningful discussion.

We see you, dont be a cliche

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As are you for any reasons why it can work. Look I get that leavers are frustrating, just like smurfs, but backfill has no place in comp. Everyone needs to go in with the same stakes and if someone leaves, that’s just bad luck. If you make it so someone backfilling has no risk in a loss then that opens the door to people going in to backfill just to troll but if you make it a normal match with sr at stake then no one will want to risk it in case they join a steamroll.

You’re championing this idea and I get that, but because of that you just don’t get that it doesn’t belong in comp. Incentivize people to make their own 6 stack before going in and just accept it if someone leaves.

I want to be on your side but damn you are making it hard. Get off your high horse and don’t think you have any moral high ground. (Let’s be real these forums are full of people that complain about smurfs and leavers and throwers, who’s the real cliche.) You guys have simply done nothing to convince me that backfill has a place in comp. Adding in a backfill player has the potential to drastically change the balance of a match well beyond just having a full team of six, someone could fill on a leaving team and throw or just be bad, or even join a team getting destroyed and carry them to victory, the losing team in either scenario will never say “eh that’s luck” no they will say backfill sucks. I’m not trolling, I want the game to improve and I don’t see backfill as that way, maybe you also need to admit that you’re as stuck in your own way as I am. Also who are you to tell someone if they’re qualified to discuss this? I play comp, I’ve definitely been screwed by someone leaving (even today) and I’ve definitely played and backfilled in QP. Your priority here is obviously just to push your own agenda, don’t pretend you’re open to other viewpoints. I’ve agreed with you in the past on the fact that if someone leaves early (but only if an objective isn’t capped) that they should pause, restart the match and fill the spot, but any time after that? It’s gg.

Be a troll, get trolled.

Waste someone else’s time arguing in bad faith, you are not someone worth convincing of anything.

Drown in your own self polluting willful ignorance.

How are you arguing in good faith? I’m presenting my points to why I don’t like it and no matter how much you agree with them or not that does not make them invalid. News flash, just because someone doesn’t agree with your idea does not make them a troll. Is this feed now just “let’s all talk about how great backfill is?” You gotta be open to the possibility of someone saying “I don’t like it.”

So polite, as much as you think I’m not worth convincing you’re clearly someone who will never be convinced thanks to your own confirmation bias. This is why it’s hard to even talk about this kind of stuff with people like you, god forbid someone not like your idea because suddenly that gives you a moral high ground and they have to be trolling. It’s entirely possible that every idea has flaws, but you seem unwilling to admit that yours can.

Take my advice from the other thread:

Stop projecting, be less close minded, THEN post

Youve got the order backwards

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Take your own advice and look in a mirror, you’re one of the most closed minded people I’ve ever seen. Either have something constructive or don’t reply.