Leavers should get automatically banned

That will still happen even if they gave time out, some people just don’t care, the difference will be you might be in even longer queues just to get backfilled…

My point is you’ll never really be able to solve leavers, heck you think it’s bad in ow, try splatoon 2 where there’s a leaver or 2 every game on either side with no backfill, bc some ppl just don’t care or want to commit

It would act as a better deterrent than what we have now.
The point is to make people consider whether leaving a game is worth 3-5 minutes of not playing. If those people then stop playing altogether, then better quality games for everyone else (Not to mention it doesn’t necessarily mean higher queue times, it could mean lower queue times if they are DPS players)

Obviously it wouldn’t solve the leaver problem, but it would definitely deter them.

I would say 10mins for repeat offenders. All others minimum of 4mins OR until the match they left is over, which ever is longer.

Also add an account stat counter for number of games left before ending.