Leavers should get automatically banned

Yeah, my thinking is that it’s long enough to be annoying so people won’t constantly leave games, but not too long to overly affect those who can’t help it.

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Good thinking, not super big but still punishing to the leaver.

Will this ban apply when you leave the game, or when the match ends and you do not rejoin?

It wouldn’t really be for competitive, because I’m pretty sure there are already penalties in place for leavers there, so I guess it would apply when you leave the game.

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Makes sense, you cannot rejoin QP games anyway.

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The matchmaker prioritizes games in progress, which means if a tank leaves it usually doesn’t last any longer than if any other role leaves to get a backfill. If that wasn’t the case you’d wait the entire length of your average DPS queue to get backfill, I don’t know about you but I’ve never had a game where I had to wait more than 20 seconds or so for it. :man_shrugging:

Sometimes the internet decides to die mid-game. That doesn’t warrant a ban.

I find it more frustrating that, even though it’s kinda impossible to do, Overwatch can’t tell what is an internet death or a willing leaver.

As you say, the game doesn’t know the difference between intentional and unintentional leaving. That’s why I proposed a shortish ban of 3-5 minutes to act as a better deterrent than what’s currently there while not overly punishing those who can’t help it.

All I can say is that willing leavers do not return and try to win and therfore it is actually relatively easy to tell the difference.

In modes that aren’t competitive however…

I just don’t think the issue is prevalent enough to warrant it, that’s all. And who’s to say the people who don’t care about experience or endorsement level would care about having to wait a few minutes? They’d just alt tab for a few minutes and then be right back to leaving games.

If anything, I’d be in favor of harsh penalties for people that leave multiple games in a short period of time. Basically if a player leaves a game X times in the last hour (3? 5?), the game warns them that they will be penalized if they do so again, and then if they do they get banned for like an hour, and the time goes up if it keeps happening.

That way we solve the issue of people that constantly leave games, but don’t punish a player just because they were having an awful game and decided to leave it, because they left a game to queue with friends, or because they disconnected once. If a player keeps disconnecting then timing them out is obviously warranted, because it prevents them from playing the game and ruining more matches while their connection is unstable.

But again, not sure either option is really necessary. :smiley:

this is one of the first thing said with brain that I read in this forum after a long time. This will be a good thing to do.

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Thanks for the compliment.

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people leave because it’s frustrating, not the other way around

And people leaving makes it frustrating for those who don’t find the game frustrating. It’s a cycle.

Its actually quite funny how the new function of being able to play while in a queue makes me leave even faster.

When i want to play Comp as support or DPS i get 15+ min queue time and that time is filled with 15 mins of me being doomfisted. It ends with me closing the game even before i get the game i queued for.

but it doesnt start with people leaving, stop telling everyone this is the root of the problem, because it’s not, it’s the symptom

Please find where I said this.

You’ll be searching a long time.

You do indirectly. You claim in your post you want to punish people for leaving. But what will this solve?

No, I don’t.

It will obviously help prevent people leaving games. This would result in less tilt from people leaving games, less frustration from having to backfill etc. etc.

If you’re seriously getting frustrated at the game that much that you have to leave, just don’t play because you’re making it frustrating for everybody else.

great, now you have 4 minutes remaining, one guy deciding he doesn’t want to play anymore. instead of leaving and getting a 5 minute penalty he’s forced to stay, block one slot, and still not willing to contribute to the team for the rest of the round.
truly the best solution

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