Leavers should get automatically banned

Are we talking about quick play or competitive here? Competitive already has fairly harsh penalties for leaving, and you could perhaps make an argument for making them harsher still.

On the other hand, doing so in quick play is a fairly dangerous proposition. Quick play has backfill, which means leavers aren’t nearly as impactful as they are in competitive, and there has to be a mode people can play when there’s a reasonable expectation they might have to leave the game. Maybe a player has a slightly unstable internet connection (we’ve probably all had a few games where our internet died in the middle of it and we were disconnected), or there might be a situation that forces them to leave midgame for another reason. The downside from them leaving really isn’t so huge that they’d have to be punished more severely for it.

There’s already some systems in place to disincentivise such behavior, like a lower endorsement level, and people that leave too many games do get penalized with experience reductions and eventually timeouts. It’s enough.

And then tank leaves and it 5v6 now… not so impactfull now right? role q everybody!


System cant tell if they left on purpose or disconnected or the game crashed.
You should punish people for the impact of them leaving, thats why in QP you get an XP penalty and in Comp you get suspended.

System works fine … in fact, its a bit harsh in comp since they strike ALL your SR for an accidental DC and they dont give back the points. We dont need something harsher. Nope.

Any mode besides competitive really. Leavers make games less fun for pretty much all involved. The current systems to disincentivise leaving that you mentioned aren’t effective to people who don’t care about XP or endorsements, so a short timeout would make those people consider whether or not it is worth leaving a game and having to wait.

Hence why the timeout would be short. As I said:

On comp I am agree with you, but you have to get if it is a dc or a left.

On qp I wanna be free to leave when I want since 1- I don’t like to play vs that lev 20 genji that know perfectly when and how to dash (aka I don’t wanna play vs smurfs, alt or whatever you call these ppl)

2-I don’t wanna play vs ppl more than 3500 in qp

3 I don’t wanna play Paris.

and also have a stat in career profile for amount of games that were left in the past 90 days

The real answer is to stop putting in a these bunkA cooky systems

and give the players the ability to control their own destiny and not be subjected to a wound that never heals

rant over!

I think a half an hour timeout is better. If you needed to leave, what is 30 minutes to you? I have it happen to me and by time I resolve whatever, I can just instantly queue again as though it never happened. At least if you do it within the first minute.

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Again, theres no point of ADDING more insult to the injury.
Like I said, again:
You should punish people for the impact of them leaving

If the punishment is done, the timeout serves no purpose, unless you want to remove ALL punishment or make the same punishment across all types (Competitive adds a suspension so thats an effective timeout).

There has been this great suggestion in the community for the longest time: Leavers shouldn’t be able to join new games until the one they left has concluded. That way they can’t just jump from match to match. :thinking:

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Imagine getting banned from a game due to your potato internet.

To be fair, your potato internet is making the game experience worse for everyone involved.
And in this scenario you’d only have to wait 3-5 minutes, so not that bad.

Unless you get banned of course. Not saying its good or bad, I just find it funny.

Also how long will the ban be?

Please refer to the first post in the thread.

Instead of punishing players for leaving look at why they leave?

Make this game less frustrating to play.

Leavers make the game more frustrating to play.

Uch never mind i am out.

I see, so its 3-5 minutes. I personally feel that its pretty short, but I am happy its not crazy long.

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Yeah, my thinking is that it’s long enough to be annoying so people won’t constantly leave games, but not too long to overly affect those who can’t help it.

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Good thinking, not super big but still punishing to the leaver.

Will this ban apply when you leave the game, or when the match ends and you do not rejoin?

It wouldn’t really be for competitive, because I’m pretty sure there are already penalties in place for leavers there, so I guess it would apply when you leave the game.

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