Leavers Ruin Games

I recently had a game where the enemies full pushed us on a payload map but it took them all their time one of my allies straight up yelled in teamchat then quit.

Behavior likes this is rare but it ruins any possibility of winning. Not to mention it affects my entire teams SR in a way that doesn’t reflect our skill at all.

Events like these are really rare so I think we should cut the SR loss for the team with the leaver and give the portion of that SR loss cut to the leaver so they are adversly affected for losing that game singlehandedly.


Well, first off, i totaly agree, leavers are a giant problem Blizzard needs to adress, especialy in solo/small gorup que.

But dumping all the SR loss on the leaver has problems of it’s own, namely that someone could somewhat smurf that way. However, there ar emultipel other potential ways:

For all optios and defintiely required to make a decent system:
Don’t give the remaining peopel SR losses when someoen not grouped up with them quits. If the leaver is from a gorup, sure, punish that gorup with a loss. But don’t punish anyone that is randomly thrown into the match with that person (especialy since Blocking DOESN’T work in ranked it seems, got throw in with a quiter twice in one day last season).

Options to punish the leaver properly:

  1. proper Banning system. First quit: 24 hour ban from ranked. Second quit, week long ban, third leave, ban for the remaining season AND the next season.

  2. Punish them where it hurst withotu breaking balance: XP and gold weapon points. Taking SR from the leaver screws with matchmaking, but taking 200k xp from him (no level-downs, just negative xp till he cought back up) doesn’t affect matchmaking but does punsih them by tkaing away lootboxes. for a while.
    Also, take 150 of the gold weapon points of that person + half of what the current rank he had when he left get’s at the end of the season.

Oh, and ofc an optio nto actually balance stuff out, at least in lower ranks: replace leavers with a bot.


Backfill system would sort this.

But on back burner like clans…

While I agree there needs to be something done about leavers, your ideas will punish people too harshly that’s didn’t deserve that. The game doesn’t know the difference between someone leaving on purpose and someone who got disconnected.

Someone who gets disconnected and tires to rejoin quickly as possible should not have those type of bans and punishment put on them for something out of their control.

This is why they don’t have such strong punishment because people do get disconnected and that is not their fault.

Also if they did not punish the team they’d encourage groups to designate fall guys as leaving only hurts SR not MMR and they could protect the rest of their group’s SR. Cycle through whose turn it is and they would never “lose.”

As for a backfill: please no. Either you’d get forced into losses (like QP does) and punished or you get folks who have no risk of punishment having no incentive to win so they don’t try.

The current system feels bad but it beats any known alternative.

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Make backfill opt innable. Make it so zero SR loss on a loss. People will still want to win SR so why wouldn’t they try to win?

The same reason folks like to throw games as is? People would have no incentive to try then if they even want to opt in on it. Not to mention you could pad stats if you played gamss you could never lose…

My main reason for making the leaver take the burden is that the enemy team still gains SR so you can’t just say the team with the leaver loses no SR because then you will inflate the amount of SR there actually is. I like the idea of punishing the whole group though I think thats a really smart way to punish people in groups abusing the system!

One of the main reasons this isn’t done is because it can be abused. If the team is losing it would benefit them to have someone leave so they don’t lose SR. How do they achieve that? They bully someone in to leaving. This would increase toxicity dramatically, I suspect. I’d rather suffer the occasional loss of SR than put up with that.

There’s not a constant amount of SR to maintain. When you get a little bit more SR on a win because of PBSR it isn’t taken away from an enemy. Also, the number of players isn’t constant so it can’t be static.

All Blizzard need to do to fix the problem of leavers is to add backfill (which is already available in other game modes) to Competitive.

I’d much rather be bullied. I already get crap worse than you can imagine for playing Roadhog and Mei lmao.

I never said there was I was just saying that it inflates the ranks if you just give out free SR without taking at least some from someone.

I think this is really cool but how would the person filling in be treated on a win or loss? Would they lose SR or Gain SR? If so how much. What is fair? It’s a hard call because if they join mid-match they are usually playing from behind if your team had a leaver it would be difficult to balance as far as rewarding these players.

Besides longer bans, they should increase the -50 SR loss for leaving to a -100. Not too sure do I want backfilling to comp… what if the leaver reconnects for example? What if by the time the backfill can arrive, other people left too? I feel backfilling is too messy and complicated for comp.

OP called leavers rare. Sure they don’t happen every game, but it’s not too unusual for me to encounter 1 per comp session (might be on either team). Which tells the punishments need to be harsher.

Problem is, it doesn’t matter for the team WHY a random leaves. They are one man short, which is almost guranteed to screw any chance they had at winning.
I get where you are comming from, and maybe they should lighten the punishment a bti form what I suggested for the first leave every two weeks or so.
But I’ve seen plenty of peopel in onlien games that have net or PC problems, who get dc’ed due to technical reasons multipel times a day, and while 1 outage every coupel of weeks can happen, there’s a point where dc’s or crashes become so common for a player they should stay out of ranked because they still ruin it for everyone else.

That is a problem that can easily be avoided by making the punishments dependant on if you are goruped up with someone who leaves or not.
Grouped up with a leaver? -> The match loss will count and reduce your SR as with the current system.
Not grouped up with the leaver? -> You don’t loose SR and have no loss counted.

Well, I don#t think it owuld happen often, especialy not that much mroe often than it happens currently anyways. Plus, if someone bullies someone else in overwatch, there’s a report feature for a reason…