Leavers Need Harsher Punishment

I think it should just rack up. 10 minutes per offense. Somone could get their counter so high that it reaches 24+ hours though, lol.

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AGREED! Let’s go Blizz. Get it in place.

Being a little dramatic aren’t you? People possibly had to adapt for couple minutes in a game

They queued up into a game that they could leave at their own free will.

Nah, it’s not ruined for you still playing. You were either going to get steamrolled anyway and you still lose, or you somehow were able to adapt when another player backfills and then you pull out a win. Either way you’re still in the game.

I play QP when I don’t have the time to commit to comp and know I might need to leave once my kids say they need something, wife needs something, etc. So I can dive in, play a bit for fun, then leave if I need to. And sure, sometimes if the game is a total stomp and not fun because the matchmaker is bad, I’ll just leave and go do something else.

This has been debated to death over and over, and it never changes because there’s nothing wrong with it. Habitual leavers in QP get a penalty. There will never be a suspension just because tryhards in QP want to force others to play their way instead of having fun. That is literally the only reason you want suspensions and bans, because people won’t try hard and play your way.

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Not seeing your logic here. You think just because it isn’t Comp means that the disadvantage is justified. It’s not. QP and one’s time invested into that mode (or any other mode that isn’t Comp) may not mean much to you, but it is still a less enjoyable experience to have a leaver. The only difference is competitive point gains/losses. The experience is still negatively affected.

You also mentioned “tryhards in QP”, wouldn’t these be the people leaving in the first place? If the game isn’t going the way they want or their team mates aren’t playing “their way”, this to me would be the reason why they leave. Logic is flawed if someone will leave because the team IS playing “their way”. Like, what?

I agree the harsher leaver penalties should only apply to Comp, since all other modes gets back-filled.

No, there does not.

Not everyone who leaves does so intentionally. It’s already unfair that players who disconnect from a match are punished the same as someone who intentionally leaves.

The best solution to leavers in Competitive is to add a modified version of backfill to the mode, but Blizzard have refused to do so for years now despite the fact it’s the one mode in game that needs it the most!

So we’re back to the argument of “it’s not Comp, so it doesn’t matter”. So why does it not matter? Because in QP backfill exists? Say Blizz does implement backfill in Comp, then, wouldn’t it not matter in Comp because the argument then turns into “you get a backfill, so it doesn’t matter”? It will literally be the same scenario as QP, but somehow QP “doesn’t matter”.

Leavers, no matter the scenario, creates a disadvantage for your team and negatively affects the experience. It’s all the same whether you’re a QP enjoyer playing for fun (I don’t imagine how one would find it ‘fun’ to play at a disadvantage), or a Comp player trying to climb.

Positive reinforcement. Give people more incentive to stay, instead of leaving. So better matchmaking, and rewards.

Never said it doesn’t; however, harsher punishment for leavers is not the solution, especially since not every leaver does so intentionally.

There are so many really bad - and I mean REALLY BAD - games in QP there is nothing they can do to stop leaving that won’t cause throwing. I just played junkertown attack. We spent the first 3 minutes not even moving the cart. In that time we had 2 leavers. Then we moved the cart 6m or so then we got stuck in spawn again. Another leaver.

Normally I would have left as well but I am working off my leaver penalties so the enemy moira and I just started emoting in the house top left. Game was a waste of time.

Either they need to fix MM or they need to add a surrender option. Punishing leavers is not the answer as that will make games even worse when people just stop playing that want to leave.


On top of the fact that there’s virtually no reward for putting in that extra effort for games that are so stressful they reduce your lifespan.

No, the leavers aren’t the tryhards. Most of the time, they are the ones who are tired of the crap matchmaking and sick of getting steamrolled the 10th game in a row. Or, they have a legit real world issue.

As a dad with two kids and a full time job, I leave plenty of times because of stuff happening (QP only). It’s just the way it is. My kids can be perfectly fine for 30 minutes straight then scream bloody murder because one took the other’s toy.

You are complaining about being put at a disadvantage because of leavers, because you are trying hard to win games and don’t want leavers inconveniencing you. I’m not saying you should play to lose, but you need to lower your expectations of QP… most people don’t care about it as much as you. The fact there is a huge EXP penalty already is enough.

I don’t mind backfilling. And sometimes, when someone leaves, they’re replaced by someone better. Sometimes, 3 or 4 people will leave a game, and then the game will be more balanced. They might even win when they were losing.

Also, this game already has an issue with toxicity. We already see the effect of heavier punishment for leaving, more toxicity, throwers, etc.
It’s quickplay, it’s healthier to just let people leave the game than to force them to keep playing.