Leavers in my games

Why do we have to suffer due to other people? I was in a 8 win streak and then lost two games in a row due to leavers and it ended up costing me nearly 100 SR. Makes me want to stop playing this game.


The only way for you to lose 100 SR is if YOU were the leaver since you get a penalty of -50SR for a left game

You win and lose less SR when there is a leaver in the match.

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Having leavers in your games is unfortunate, but there is a reason why remaining players take the match result and the appropriate skill rating adjustment. Prinicipal Designer Scott Mercer explained this back in 2016.

Source: Old Overwatch Forum Archives

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Sounds like you were the leaver as someone else stated.

That being said. You should lose less sr with a leaver. Overwatch tried this system upon role q release then removed it even though it got completely positive feedback.

I think that was the final nail for most people who quit. It obviously showed they don’t care what we think.

League has the same system currently because they want competitive integrity. It has some stipulations though to fight abuse. Works really well.

But overwatch isn’t the only game behind on the leaver issue. unlike other games though like traditional shooters. You have a leaver in overwatch the game is basically unwinnable 9 out of 10 times.

They never intend to fix it so you just have to laughably accept it.

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If it was two games they’d otherwise would have won 100sr lost is not a stretch.


that is true. league of legends is light years ahead of overwatch on the leaver issue. trolling and leaving gets real punishments


My rebuttal is that there should not only be a harsh punishment for leaving (and a better system in place for telling the difference between manually leaving and your internet/game crapping out), but also harsh punishments for people reported for such behavior, which means that ActivBlizz would have to * gasp * hire more people to handle the reports instead of laying hundreds off despite having record profits.

If you get a leaver and lose, then it should be counted and recorded as a draw for both teams and little-to-no SR adjustments should be made (depending on individual performance). And if you get a leaver and win, then you should get a massive SR increase (and the other team likewise a large decrease for losing when at a major advantage). This should also scale exponentially for each leaver on your team.

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Could you please rephrase this sentence? I seriously can’t make out what it is supposed to mean =[

They’re saying if the OP had won those games instead of losing them, they would have gained some SR instead of losing it, so a 100 SR difference between where they could’ve been and where they actually ended up is reasonable if they weren’t the leaver.

Thank you for clearing that up!

It’s definitely a frustrating thing, but sadly not much can be done other than to accept it and move on to the next games. You gotta remember that leavers and throwers also happen on the enemy team as well, so it kinda cancels out SR wise.

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It sucks! I have a nice winstreak going, trying to get to next rank and have been waiting in Q for 20 min just to get a leaver.


When you consider the amount of time it takes for an average player to climb 100 Sr it is unacceptable and just go again is no longer the answer.

Something more needs to be done.

If Someone says in comms “ curse you guys I’m throwing “ then throws the game they should be banned within an hour or two.

Hardware bans and IP bans should also be used to combat throwing. I’m sorry but forcing your player base to “go again “ because you won’t remove bad actors is abuse.


I said I lost around 100 sr, it was like 78 SR total from two matches. I wouldn’t make a forum post complaining if I was the one that was griefing my own games

Admittedly I’ve spent too much time on the Overwatch forums and I can assure you we’ve seen people who throw their own games complain about throwers and leavers.


The suffering starts before people enter the equation. Hidden performance tracking on a rigged matchmaker already imparts a ton of suffering. Games are adaptively tuned to how you play, rigged for closeness, engagement, retention, and burner account sales. All this, instead of letting you progress naturally.

Remember, the suffering begins at the algorithmic and systems-design levels. It’s everyone vs. themselves, the system, the algs, and the designers.

Leavers are just a byproduct of people treating everything as disposable.

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I am not denying that you lost SR from lost matches, what I am confused about is how you lost that Large amount of SR without leaving a match early yourself or being on a new account, it could be because of Performance Based SR thinking that you belong lower and therefor punishes you more for losses.

I am not sure what you want them to do, they do already punish leavers with an increasing play penalty which can lead to a season ban

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Yep. The real punishment goes to those on the leavers team. Blizzard has done NOTHING since day 1 to fix this issue. They think increasing the penalty for the leaver will help when in fact, the majority of the people, especially the leavers, have multiple accounts so they don’t care if they leave.

Actually they could have. When you have a leaver not only do you get the SR loss but if you leave then when the timer says you can now leave without penalty, you lose even more SR then. That is complete BS and if you have a leaver and you wait the timer out then you should be able to leave without even more of a SR penalty.

The leaver system has been a joke since day since the team with the leaver actually get it the worst.

That’s very weird, I almost always leave after the 2 minute timer is finished and see that most of my team has left, never experienced higher SR loss

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Yeah will guess what it’s not 2016 anymore Things need to change with the game and the fairness between those who want to stay in game and those who leave. you say it’s a team-based game but it’s not really being a team player if one person leaves and then the whole team has to lose SR because of one person that’s not a team player that’s just cruel and unfairness throughout the competitive latter and honestly that’s was driving people away from competitive so you guys having no one to blame but yourself For not fixing the game and competitive and plus Smurfs

Have you actually looked? (not being sarcastic but actually really looked and compared) Because I have. And yes I lost a lot more than my normal SR whenever I leave a match after a leaver on my team and the timer says it is okay. The game considers you a leaver too but you won’t get the temp suspension or ban for leaving when you are able to.