Leavers Huge Issue

I have had 4 games in a row now with leavers either before match even starts or later on in game.

This is absolutely ridiculous.

Que times are 10 mins a pop for dps I sit in que get into a game and before it even starts game is over and I am back in que for 10 mins.

This needs to be fixed. If your game ends you need to be put back to the front of the que.

Secondly the penalty for leavers needs to be more severe. After leaving 2 games in a season you should be banned for the season.

This is just way to forgiving with how cheap accounts are right now.


I agree with above
penalty for leaving in competitive so low its become a major issue
there should be a perma ban on repeated offenders


Blizzard could easily solve the leaver problem by adding something to Competitive that already exists in other modes - backfill.

Not every leaver does so deliberately.

There are many reasons that can cause someone to unintentionally disconnect from a game - Internet service interruptions, power outages, unexpected hardware failures, & more.

It’s already unfair that Blizzard punishes those who disconnect due to reasons beyond their control.

Increasing the penalty is not the solution.

I play on console where accounts are free to make and I still say that increasing the leaver penalty is not the solution.

Backfill is.

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I honestly started watching movies on pc or reading books when queue for dps. Try it, it helps.

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Unfortunately backfill isn’t possible.

From Bronze to Platinum, this backfill system would break the MMR algorithm completely, as it is based on stats averages across an entire game (or per 10) on that hero by the general population. If someone joins the game late in, their overall stats on that hero for that game will be much lower, resulting in less SR for a win/more for a loss and an overall reduction of their MMR; which in turn makes the MMR’s confidence level push them down (thinking their skill isn’t appropriate to their rank) all through no fault of their own for being put in to backfill.

Excluding those backfill players from MMR adjustments opens the game up to trolling and gameplay sabotage with that player feeling confident of not being affected by a win/loss (this would also make backfill feel like a waste of time).


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What if there would be just small sr as reward and no sr loss when game result in defeat? I think a lot of people would like to back fill instead of waiting 10 minutes for game.

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That could work in theory, however that would drive the SR even further away from the MMR. It may be a good solution up close but looking at it deeper, it could make the situation much worse, especially considering the sheer number of backfill games the player may end up put through :slight_smile:

It also means the player is less likely to try as hard, or even throw, knowing that whatever happens they will get SR.



Ok lets say that back fill will have no effect on sr or mmr. It would be mandatory.

I think there still would be people willing to join and help others in 5v6 situations. I would. Yes some people would troll after back fill, but how is 5v6 better? Some chance is still better than no chance :smile:

I could not agree more. The only problem is my connection is cut sometimes due to no service. I did not quit, but I get that pleasant red message box that sticks around for awhile that warns me not to quit again or I will be banned for awhile. So if I get perma banned because of a technical service error, that’s it for me.

It doesn’t matter why they leave.

Intentional or not does not make it ok. If you don’t have a good connection then you should not be playing comp it is as simple as that.

And no backfill is a horrible option for comp. If you make the penalty high enough for leaving you eliminate the issue.

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Yes, it does.

No, but unintentional should not be punished.

You clearly didn’t read my post. I never said anything about not having a good connection. I said things like Internet service disruptions, power outages, and unexpected hardware failures can result in disconnects. These are all things a player has zero control over and yet they get punished for it.

It’s not. It’s the perfect solution to the leaver problem.

It won’t eliminate the issue at all because unintentional disconnects will still happen and there will still be intentional leavers because of smurf/alt/throwaway accounts.

[quote=“Comixfan-6222, post:11, topic:442037”]

Yes, it does.

No it doesn’t.

I don’t care why you disconnect. I don’t want you on my team. I have unintentionally disconnected from probably 2 games ever since OW released.

If you have bad hardware / connection / whatever you shouldn’t be in comp. If you choose to risk going into comp then YOU CHOOSE to suffer the consequences if you DC

No you clearly don’t understand that I don’t care. These are all YOUR problems don’t make them other people’s. Don’t go into comp unless you are 100% sure you won’t DC. Your desicions effect 5 other people on your team. None of us have any issues with playing comp and you decide to put us all at jeopardy because you can’t be bothered to fix whatever your connection issues are.

So you’re always 100% sure your ISP won’t have any unscheduled service interruptions?

You’re always 100% sure you’ll never have an unexpected hardware failure?

You’re always 100% sure you’ll never have a blackout?

Don’t be ridiculous.

You can’t be 100% sure of any of those things.

No you apparently can’t be sure.

I am sure. Also I said give people 2 leaves a season. If you are losing connection more than twice a season then you have issues YOU need to take care of.

Practicaly nobody would be playing comp by your rules lol.

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You are wrong.

More people would be playing as the quality of matches would be better.

And the people that wouldn’t be playing are no loss anyway.

People who intentionally leave matches are upset at poor match quality (unless they’re deranking or win trading).

Punishment is a failed concept. It will not solve the leaver problem. Leaving due to not being able to switch to DPS when needed is an intrinsic side-effect of role queue. It will never get better no matter what the punishment is.

People are not leaving because they cannot switch to dps.

They are leaving to leave.

And yes stricter punishment would fix it because as soon as they did it twice they would no longer get the option.

FYI role que is amazing and helped to save this game.

No, sir, that would be you.

It amused me a great deal to see you claim you can be 100% sure you’ll never have an unscheduled Internet service interruption, unexpected hardware failure, or have a blackout.

Because, you see, you cannot be 100% certain of any of those things. That’s what words like unscheduled and unexpected suggest.

Wow. Toxic much?

That’s merely your assumption.

You cannot possibly know the reason that a leaver leaves (unless they specifically say they’re leaving in chat).

No, it would not fix anything. As I mentioned before, it’s bad enough that people who leave unintentionally get penalised at all. Increasing the leaver penalty is not the solution to solving the leaver problem.

Backfill is the solution to solving the leaver problem. You’d still have leavers, of course, but then you’d have another player join to take the leaver’s place.

On that we can agree.