Leaver Slot Not Being Refilled in Quick Play


In some games when a player leaves during a quick play match, the empty slot is not being filled by a new player, resulting in a 5 vs 4 scenario for the remainder of the match. Traditionally, these slot would be filled relatively quickly, maintaining the balance of the game. This has been happening consistently, and it affects the gameplay experience significantly.

Could you please look into this?

I’m on gbr1. Video here.

(I’ll paste as code because it’s blocking me from sharing videos/images)


Thank you for your time and support.


New occurrence here. This bug is still alive …

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Yes, just had this happen to me. ****ing infuriating…

Its happened to me twice this season, both times with flash point, one on each map.

Seriously, this bug has become way more prevalent now. Every other match has glitched backfills.

Know what would allow for self correction of this bug? Remove leaver penalty ;p.

Happenend here several times as well. The main problem (apart from the balancing being gone) is that the leaver’s team is likely to fall apart until the match is cancelled, with nobody receiving any progress whatsoever. Usually, every patch & bugfix (if there are any) are made to get more money out of this game; however, I simply canmnot see how inhibition of refills will accomplish this task.

It’s insane that this hasn’t been fixed yet.

Just adding my voice to this. I’ve had it twice today where someone left before the match even started and their spot was never filled.

I’m one of those people who typically supports things like the leaver penalty, but not being able to leave a 4v5 match and having to suffer through knowing I can’t just leave is really killing my desire to play right now.