Leaver penalty … a thread

Please, for the love of all that is good in this world, implement stronger penalties for leavers.

Edit: this was posted in reference to people that leave competitive games (I was unaware that there is a competitive forum). Backfill in qp isn’t fun but, that’s another discussion.


I and many others agree - a timeout penalty for leavers would be a good solution. I already proposed one in OW1:

A match-leaver would have to wait e.g. 5 minutes until they are able to go in a queue again. This is a fair punishment for players who ditch their whole team, making them have one less player and thus resulting in an unfair & uneaven match.

Leavers greatly harm the gameplay experience for everyone.


Penalties just turn would-be leavers into trolls. You’re better off letting the poor-sports leave instead of dragging your team down further, imo.

Which are you more concerned with, a fair even match, or punishing the leaver? Punishment doesn’t make the match quality better, so you are left with only the satisfaction of punishing someone, which makes you no better than the selfish troll who left, from my perspective.


Maybe some of them, but the majority would leave less games, because they would have to wait e.g. 5 minutes (timeout-penalty) to be able to queue up again.
And if players troll, are inactive, feeding, etc. they can be reported and punished for that.

In most cases that is not a good option because your team will be down a player and at a heavy disadvantage. The chance of winning a match drops significantly if you have a leaver. Furthermore, how many matches are there were it’s not going so well for your team, a teammate writes “GG go next” but then your team turns around the situation and wins the match? Many people give up too early and that needs to be discouraged, which would also make the leavers win more games and improve faster.

By implementing a timeout-penalty for leavers, less people are going to leave matches and this increases the quality of more matches. Just look at competitive, there aren’t nearly as much leavers than in non-comp. Why? Because of punishments. Leaving even one match can result in a 10-minute timeout penalty.
Punishments work.

I’ll list the benefits of a timeout-penalty again:

  • Teams will have fewer leavers which would otherwise put them at a big disadvantage.
    (It can often take a long time for some other person to backfill or no one ever backfills before the match ends and the team would always be down a player.)
  • It will happen less frequently that enemies are leaving which would otherwise make the match boringly easy to win.
  • Fewer matches are gonna be canceled which decreases frustration. The current situation is that A LOT of Arcade matches get canceled because of leavers, which is very annoying and shouldn’t happen.
  • Players are going to be less often thrown out of queue and backfilled into a match that’s already decided and ends 30 seconds after joining which is pretty annoying.
  • Potential leavers who would leave a match mid-game if there’s no penalty are now discouraged from doing so and therefore have overall shorter queue times and longer playtime. Furthermore, they will have higher winrates because before the penalty if the match isn’t going that great or the teammates seem to be bad, they would just give up & leave it which counts as a loss - but now they’ll have to continue fighting and often will win the match even though they thought it’s unwinnable! :grinning:

The conclusion is that a timeout-penalty for leavers is needed and it would improve the overall Overwatch gameplay experience. :+1:t4:


I’m not going to sit and waste my time in a game where people are refusing to counter, refusing to swap, playing really dumb heroes into comps that 100% counter them, while being toxic about every one else’s play.

Yeah I leave whenever I know it’s a lost cause, so fight me, I’m not going to stop. Maybe if Blizzard would fix match making, and lock trolls and throwers into their own queues where they can troll and throw their matches all day without messing with people actually wanting to play.


Yes, but in Comp the penalty need to gradually increase (by hours, days, weeks) until they get FULL season ban, if they leave enough times.

They will still be able to play unRnked/arcade, but blocked from Comp until next season.

The best overWatch advice I heard was from an ML7 stream, who said:

“You can’t control your what your team does or who they pick, so try to base your pick around your team needs/lacks”

Not getting enough heals when playing dps/tank?

  • Switch to a self-healing hero (reaper, mei, roadhog, etc.)

DPS not doing enough damage when playing support?

  • Switch to a dps support (baptiste, zen, etc.)

Teammates aren’t peeling when getting flanked as support?

  • Switch to a self-sufficient mobile support (Moira, lucio, etc.)

That’s fine and dandy, but I am NOT wasting my time trying to swap and help when the team is refusing to do anything to help in general, really if it’s a PUSH map. shudder


So you want your teammates to swap to counter, but you don’t want to swap yourself?

People are more likely to swap if you ask, instead of telling them:

  • Saying: “Does anyone know how to play [hero] to counter [hero]?”
  • Is better than: “Get off [hero] because you suck”

Also, the teammates you want to swap might not know how to play the optimal counter pick hero, so switching would be more of a liability than helpful.


I swap constantly, that’s when I leave. When I am swapping and asking for swaps to actually help and only getting met by “LOOOOOOL NO” or “kys” I don’t even bother anymore.

I just say “GG not wasting my time.” and dip.

Yes, tell me how playing Genji into Pharah and Echo is productive more than playing literally any hitscan in that situation. Even if you aren’t great at them, you are still doing MORE than Genji would into that DPS comp.

Having 2k damage in 8 mins because your hero gets smashed by the enemy comp, or having zero front line because our tank decides it’s ball, doom, or JQ time into stuff like Ana, Road, Sojourn, etc.

You can’t even ask for any swaps without getting screamed at. Like 10 mins ago “Hey Winston, I can’t heal you through Reaper and Hanzo spam like that, can you swap to something a little more survivable, or stop jumping in solo?”


“…Dude, I literally just asked for a swap or for you to not run in solo?”


“You’re telling yourself that, no one said that, you’re just getting countered.”

Winston left game.

That’s how it goes.


tell me how you would accelerate the hemorrhaging of players by implementing one thing


Sorry but i am aganist that why have penalty to leave games with horrible matchmaking , people who are so dumb that damage your mind to be with them … why a game have to make you lose your time in a game not worth it ??? … first fix your game a little

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I’m getting so sick and tired of being put either half way or right at the end of a losing game because some half wit dipstick didnt want to lose and left like a baby.


let them start with a better mm then we can talk about penalties ^^

Game like this it’s normal to QP but i don’t have any screens… Only this from Mei snowball fight… imgur. com/oYd24Ja Yes… I’m tired of playing 5-6 games like this in a row every day… I ,blurred" out nick because I don’t want people to blame them for something it’s not their fault that mm is crap


Yes, impose time penalties and watch this game die for real.

In a parallel world, there’s a chance that the matchmaking is working fine, but there are just not enough players, so it has no choice but to put a Silver tank against a GM tank.

And yeah, I’m not wasting my time in matches that are not fun to play. They can penalize me all they want.

The same goes for the auto-fill trash system. If your team disbands in a match, maybe it’s because it wasn’t meant to be a team in the first place. Simply cancel the match, or better yet, add a surrender button. not so hard.

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Game still crashes. Power goes out. Peoples spouses still yell at them while playing.

Only thing that needs to happen is the non leaver team gets a win, the leaver team gets a wash, unless it was someone in your group then it’s a loss.

But none of this will happen. Blizzard has never done anything about it. I had one crash on my end that cost us the game. I was only gone for 30 seconds. Later, I had 3 games with leavers, 1 game with a thrower, 1 game with a new tank (so he claims). I had 5 losses in a row. I’ll get the sr back but not a great feeling.

If you dont want people to leave play Comp. Has all the penalties you want for leavers. Oh wait it takes forever to get a comp match and the match quality is toilet + the games last 30 minutes :rofl:.

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And then we permaban those trolls.


don´t justify you … why blizzard have to kidnap you in a crap game??? why they have to force you to waste time ??? at least in QP or even competitive … This game ask you so many patience for a stupid and toxic playerbase in a game that is crap


It’s 2024. Blizzard implemented a 5-min penalty for leavers in arcade. The game has never been more loved – by the 22 people who still play it.

“No one’s leaving now!”


Seems like the people that constantly leave don’t like the game anyway.