I am on diamond 3 rn and out of my last 30 competitive matches I had about 7 or 8 leavers which obviously resulting in our lost match . The funny thing is its only happened on my team.
My enemies team always had perfect members from start to finish of all that 30 matches.
Its so weird and I am so confused right now.
Since OW doesnt have any numbers in game really unlock almost every other game, its hard to theory craft, except the actual workings of the matchmaker.
So you always have leavers?
I think this goes back to team balancer. Your at a stage so bad now, that after winning the team balancer puts on teams with “losers”. But guess who loses the most? Leavers.
You yourself have left (even when they said you could leave without penalty). But imagine, if you leave a game, wouldnt be nice for folks like me who rarely see leavers not have to play with leavers? WIM - leavers game with leavers. stop leaving games, even if your told you could without penalty.
Are you doing something to increase chances of leavers (like being toxic to team mates)?
No why would I you can get banned from abusive comm in competitive. Sometimes we have a leaver when we were in winning position too. Sometimes it happens randomly in the middle of payload pushing.
i never had a single fair game.
I dunno man I always waited until all my teammates left the game.
Does seem like a lot. I’d probably get one leaver over 30 games. Just unlucky I guess.
Mathematically speaking that’s quite unlikely. So you must of just got unlucky.
What . What people make up is so funny.
If you’re never having a fair game… And you’re the only one in all the lobbies… Suggest you might be the issue.
That’s what I thought too, because I always seem to get leavers on my team and never on the other. People say you tend to only remember the leavers that are on your team so this season I decided to do a count. So far, I have had 11 leavers all on my team, and not a single one on the enemy team.
Recently I’ve had far more leavers on the enemy team than mine. Although statistically you’re more likely to get leavers on the other I guess luck comes into it as well.
It is also possible, because you are human after all, that you just remember the bad experience (leave on your team) more vividly that an enemy leaver.
I can only go based on my experience and tonight I’ve played 5 games, and there was 1 leaver. On the enemy. But they quickly rejoined as it was just a tech issue.
Read the rest of my post. I specifically talked about this and said I did a count this season, just to see if I was right, and I was.
I’ve had 2 tank leavers on my team after 30 matches. And quess what?
I counted only one leaver on my enemy team and at the same time my teammate left too. Luckily my teammate rejoined again on the last minutes. Said he smashed his desk and need to restart lol.
I know Blizzard your algorithm want me to lose but this is so dirty…
yea theres is statistical theory, and actual stats. lots of matches are rigged af
Talk about Tin Hat conspiracy theories - this board is full of you folk.
I see leavers both sides. I even get to backfill them in MH a ton. Chin up mates it happens to us all.
Are you at the peak of your season or very close?