then console players can’t use it… besides, theyve already said they dont archive old patches. so it’s not happening unless they rebuild the old patches.
exactly. thats why the OW2 update is needed.
i wanna play arcade modes of alpha/beta/vanilla overwatch, occasionally.
I don’t play Overwatch on consoles (even though I own a PS5 and a Switch) but I’m sure the system can change at some point. Consoles are more and more trying to be like mini computers so I wouldn’t bother that. They can come around this.
As for the old patches, they said the same about WoW at the beginning. They can always change their mind. Private servers of former WoW expansions were really popular which explains them releasing WoW Classic.
If the community manages to create a hype around Overwatch Classic, they will release it sooner or later. Plus, nostalgia is a great selling factor.
Jeff’s vision was pretty much laid out at the bottom:
“We’ve all seen when the servers shut down on X, Y, or Z game. It’s always a story. I always remember the Halo 2 players who just wouldn’t log out. They kept it up. I thought that was so awesome. I wish I was one of them.”
From the interview with Jeff in Kotaku " Overwatch Stagnated Because Of Its Sequel, Says Director" (can’t link for whatever reason)
Overwatch 2 was marketed as an extension of OW1, with the PVE being the new content. The heroes, maps, and gamemodes would release to both OW1 and OW2. Then eventually, there would be a merge.
Not to mention, all the other interviews, info releases, etc… prior to about June 2022 when they announced a full on “no more OW 1, everyone is going to OW2.”
I must say I find myself coming to a very different conclusion. I’ve paid for Overwatch one, so far blizzard hasn’t seemed to have done anything about the game breaking issues that were apparent in its 2015 beta.
I say now is the time to demand blizzard actually fix something. Honoring every laggy shot regardless of how insane or impossible it would be, once it catches up to the player, is an awful idea.
I end up dying much more frequently from being shot in a location I was not at, than where I was. There’s no way to predict or play around someone killing you in the past, and having your death retconned into the present. It’s just an absolute death sentence.
I feel like I am owed at the very least a single match where there is no more than a reasonable amount of desync between the players, before Overwatch 1 is shut down forever. In which case blizzards window is almost gone.
Now is the time to demand blizzard actually do something. Something, anything to get the game into a state where it should have been at launch, before it is no longer accessible.
Sure Officer,
Since I still can’t link. Watch the OW full reveal presentation at Blizzcon 2019.
17:25 “Overwatch is a team versus team, 6v6 competitive experience, and there’s no way we’re losing that at all. In fact, that’s a huge focus.”
About 20:15 in, he starts addressing Overwatch 1 players. He says we’ll be able to play all the new heroes and all the new maps and modes as OW 2 players. He’s specifically talking to OW 1 players, not “OW2 players that were forced to come over from OW1 because they deleted it.”
Again, tons of articles basically said the same thing, that OW1 wouldn’t be going anywhere and eventually said they would merge. You don’t “merge” something that doesn’t coexist with something else. OW 2 is replacing, not merging with, OW 1. This was not how it was announced (and not even how it was presented until June 2022ish).
I’ll add supporting as I find it when I’m done with my work, but in the interview
110 Rapid-Fire Questions with Overwatch 2’s Jeff Kaplan
2:00: “Overwatch 1 players will play with Overwatch 2 players in our core competitive modes.”
2:15ish Interviewer asks “How long are you planning on keeping Overwatch 1 servers online.”
Jeff responds “Well, we’re planning on keeping the servers going as long as we have players who want to play matches.”
7:09 Jeff talks about how Overwatch 1 players will be able to see the updated looks over OW2 characters, but won’t be able to select them.
Should I keep going, or is that good enough? I have a bunch of work to get through.
lol… He wanted specifics! I was just giving it. Honestly, the way Jeff talked about his vision for OW2 really hit me in the feels. Started watching the video “Overwatch 2 Progression, Future Patches & More - Full Developer Q&A [Press Exclusive Uncut],” and I had to stop. Just the first few minutes, he was really trying to bring a whole new meaning to sequels, without harming the current player base. The way he talked about the player base and how much love he had for the players and what he wanted to do for players, it’s insane.
how? there is more content and an actual update schedule
good. 6v6 was too chaotic for most people to understand. this is clearer to play and
good. it feels more like a proper ability shooter instead of “shoot barrier and combine ULTs to win”. Or “we have the better characters/comp, so we win”
How so? (it’s not)
there are tons of new things to discover in 5v5 format w/new heroes. you actually need to position around the map & use cover. less reliant on team comps (which is like herding cats).
it’s more fun. it’s better, gameplay wise.
Same content Ow 1 shouldve gotten if there was no OW2
Chaotic is good to play not to watch, if anything its only betyer for OWL that nobody watches
nO dOuBle BaRRieR- easily defeated by a team with working braincells + Orisa rework took care of that without nuking a tank slot
That was the whole point of the game since the start, teamwork, not a pseudo shooting arena like quake or unreal tournament
Now the team with better aim wins, there are no tank synergy like monkey- zarya, zarya-rein, Dva-monkey, tanks have been dumbed down to be oversized dps
They absolutely HAVE to take down OW1 when OW2 goes live. It would be intolerably and irrefutably embarrassing if numbers eventually showed that a majority of the playerbase prefer OW1 to OW2. And ultimately that could very well happen after the initial hype falls off. The stockholders must never know…
Judging by how OW Beta keeps going, I think their fears are probably well-founded. If they left OW1 up, like they were supposed to, the move to OW2 would likely not happen for a lot of the player base for quite some time. Feels like Blizzard is intentionally trying to tank the company lately.
They said from Day 1 that it would have shared PvP matches/heroes/maps/servers. OW2 owners would get the new looks/skins and the PvE. That was literally said from Day 1. PvP was never separate. Any PvP changes would affect both games. Because the PvP was a shared experience, and all you were paying for was PvE.
Idk why you created this in your mind but it’s not the reality.
Now they are just giving everyone the stuff for free.
OW1 is being replaced by OW2 in less than a month and I personally am hyped
I will never forget Jeff’s promise that we would always be able to access new heroes and maps for free, forever.
It is 1 thing to ruin cosmetics by monetizing the actual hell out of them it is a different and ugly beast entirely to even attempt to do anything with new heroes to the point where some people can’t access them. It is disgraceful and that is that this is not up for debate.
Debating this with me will only make you look like a psychopath at this point.