Idk if you played the CC experimental where they made hammonds mines blind you for a second, but it was disgusting. I hope they never add any sort of blinding ability to OW.
to be fair that was a quick change with little work put behind it cause it was just an experimental. If you’ve played any cod or battlefield games it could be more like that where it is temporarily disorienting but not just solid white like that exp lol
Man I think if they just removed fan the hammer the flash alone wouldn’t be so egregious. It would still require some skill to hit a headshot and body shot not just an ez 1 shot. Since this does seem legit though I wonder if reaper or soldier (or some other hero) become tracer counters?
While I agree that sounds horrible, what’s the name of that game? I’m interested in co-op stuff and since it’s early access, maybe that awful effect will get removed or be able to be modded out.
Basically same as ashe, but explodes more fast than ashe dynamite. This is the worst things they did. Flashbang saves alot sometimes.
The Anacrusis early access
Just curious - aside from the blinding light effect, was the game any good? I was interested in it but I’ve heard some mixed reviews.
Hmm, surprised they didn’t go with a CoD style screen blur/sound distortion flashbang. But I guess that wouldn’t help against with the hyper mobile types. Wonder if the slow effect will impact things like blink, fade, or wraith?
It wasn’t bad… Certainly has potential.
If anyone should get a blind it should be Mercy.
She literally did that in a cinematic.
Tracer will 100% get nerfed if they are taking away hard CCs. Without stuns, tracer can be almost as op as old brig.
I think the problem with either of these is that without the stun you can just spam AD and crouch. For slim hitboxes that change with the direction they’re going in and no movement acceleration it essentially becomes chance as to whether you hit them… =\
I like it honestly, rather it be a “Blind” ability than a “Stun” ability.