Any bought and actively using the skin? Haven’t seen Briggite either outside of the event thing in the arcade.
I’ve seen them all, and very frequently. At least every game there’s one. But Tracer I do see least of all, granted it’s the worst skin of the bunch so not surprising. Also it’s Tracer. I would assume there are more Dva/Kiriko mains than there are Tracer mains who would be into this collab.
I’ve seen plenty of Brigs.
I think those two heroes aren’t played that much and Tracer’s skins are hard to notice in-game.
True they zoom around to much…
D.VA is there plenty of where I play. Second place I think goes to Sombra…
I’m surprised at how few Brigs I’ve seen, as before it launched it seemed like she was the one people were going craziest for. But then, I don’t see her get used much, period.
I’ve seen a few Tracers, and I have and am using the skin myself, though I rarely use her. (I would have only bought Sombra & Brigitte, but I was given a lot of PSN credit a few months back that I had no other plans for, so buying the bundle cost me essentially nothing.)
D.Va is the one I literally haven’t seen at all, beside myself.
What I’m most alarmed at is how few others will dance with me T_T
I hate the Tracer skin’s in-game model, but the art of her is really cute NGL. Sombra and hottest though, Brig would be top tier if she had her FREAKING MUSCLES BACK BLIZZARD
Yes. It’s my current favorite.
The Sombra skin is the best.
I’ve seen them all. Kiriko and Sombra the most. But if you’re in a game with one of the 5, chances are it’ll be the kpop skin.
Almost every one of the kpop heroes I encounter has their skin equipped. Only a few times per session do I see one in a different skin.
I’m surprised people don’t love the Tracer skin as much. I adore it!
Nuh uh, kiriko skin exists
Seen plenty of all of them but I play more QP now a days so not sure in comp.
im not playing right now but i have it and its eqipped
Also both are good I am a support main that plays a lot of kiriko so you know I have that. I like the effects on the sombra skins hair but both those skins are by far the best in part due to the hair. Also thigh highs are life
Effects? The only effect I noticed is the sound they all seems to do when e-moting…
The white tips on Sombra’s hair are made up of big pixels which move and shift colour slightly. It’s very subtle and you’ll only spot it in-game if she stands directly in front of you, perfectly still, and you have the graphics maxed out.
Brig has an extra-bassy thump when she uses shield bash.
I’ve not seen any with the other three?
It pains me how they did give her abs again but her arms and legs are still barely bigger than D.Va’s.
I have it on permanently since I one trick her, I love the skin
I’ve seen shop skins every match since day one.
I use it all the time (when I actually log in to play) I really like it, but I don’t care at all about Le Seserafim or K-pop either.