Le Sserafim Skins, ever to return?

I know the Le Sserafim collab skins were about 8ish months ago so I am not expecting to see them any time in the super near future, but I am curious if they will return at all considering the license agreement Blizzard has with the company.

It does list the skins as “Sometimes available in the Shop” rather than something like challenge skins were it lists they were only available during that specific time. It gives me hope but I am curious as to other thoughts on this. I missed out on the collab and really want them!

If it’s a collab it’s usually time limited so it’s very unlikely to come back, just assume it’s not coming back unless Le Sserafilm does another collab

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Nobody knows if any collabs will ever come back. It’s always possible, but so far none have.

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All skins have a chance of coming back except maybe Alien Zarya.

The description next to the Le Sserafim skins does appear to say, “Sometimes available in the shop”-- a statement that can definitely be interpreted a lot differently than a more explicit one, such as:

  • “Limited one-time offer, possibly never to return
  • “A one-time limited offering, never to return.

Kinda reminds me of Pink Mercy, a skin which a particularly vocal segment of the OW forums vehemently repeated themselves with considerable adamance that it would absolutely never ever return. Yet now for some reason, if you click into the game, just look at who’s sitting pretty gracing the main menu. :slightly_smiling_face:

I honestly wouldn’t worry too much over it. As I like to remind people: “never is a long time.” That’s especially true with Overwatch. The “one-time” All Stars skins made a comeback. Pink Mercy is back right now. Even the limited “one-time” Widowmaker preorder bonus skin came back when the game re-released on the Switch.

Yeah, it’s tied up in agreements between Blizzard and the owner of the kpop group, but it’s not to say they won’t agree to run another time-limited collab again in the future, possibly re-offering the very same skins alongside whatever new ones they create for extra cash.

Overwatch isn’t really a exclusive skin collector’s haven. And that’s fine. Only the silver Blizzcon skins seem to be “sacred” (for some reason). And maybe Alien Zarya too due to its ties with past player drama that the company wants to disassociate itself from.

Well they brought back pink mercy which is the magnum opus of FOMO so I have no doubt the Le Sserafim skins will return

It’s an infinite digital product, it will comeback if money is needed.
Don’t worry about it.

So down the line if the collab thing starts to dry out I can see them redoing a collab….but I wouldn’t exactly bet on it

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they could heck look they released pink mercy again so anything is possible

Nothing in this game is exclusive but don’t expect it till some years down the line.