Laziest battlepass yet

They reused gun victory pose for 3 heroes and retro hero emote and victory pose 4-5 times ( bp is currently bugged and i can’t see them for some reason) . Zen has the same emote and victory pose :clown_face: (retro hero lvl 7 and retro hero lvl 59)

Running low on bugdet?What is going on?


The ONLY reason I am considering it is the Hellhammer. I need to test my mental fortitude. It would be wise to… Not. But I feel I must.



Can’t even find the Hellhammer, some skins are showing up as Unspecified and do not load. Where is the Hellhammer meant to be in the bP?


This is actually the first BP I am skipping. Which, really isn’t too bad. The previous themes were alright. This one is just trash lol.

The Hellhammer is gonna be available later I hear.


3 recolors in the battle pass is so cheesy


the hellhamer is a mythic item ig. It will appear 1 month from now and you will need to use mythic shards to buy it.


I hope the battlepass is like this every season lol! I’d rather not have a reason to buy it :cowboy_hat_face::+1: I really just like getting the 600 free coins.

I’m pretty sure all of the character (genji & anna, at least) have the same emote & victory pose.

Massive layoffs, they probably can’t keep up with the scheduled content and they are already outsourcing a bunch of stuff. No bueno.


yes but did you buy it?

i have 8 microsoft accounts…i’ll auto buy every skin and battlepass at this point.
Yes i have a script to auto search for points too.
0 real dollars spent on this game.

a-another massive laytoffs :face_with_spiral_eyes: ?


It’s astoundingly egregious but all this reaffirms is that the game is basically in maintenance mode and they will get out what they can before the team is fired in January next year.

it is the most laziest battle pass ever its liek they know the game wont survive past season 11 like no effort put into it and its even got bugs

agreed not impressed with thisone. I did not buy the big ticket one. they dont deserve it.

i bought just the 15$ one

10000000% agree. They could at least give us 6v6 in arcade mode or something. That would of made a huge comeback for the OG people

I wouldn’t say the battle pass is the laziest it just isn’t for me. Remember the new mythic shop cuts the mythic from the pass making it seem less than it is. The mythic currency is the important part of the pass. Which is pretty much the Ashe skin this season. I just don’t care for the theme.

Where is the lifeweaver skin?

looka at the challenges for the event and season there is hardly any honestly i think they was lazy with it because they know the game is dying

It will pop up on the cash shop some time in the next two months.

First battlepass I’m skipping, it’s not good even for Blizzard standards.

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