Late to the party, but just got new Ashe skin... come on now

Look, I save my complaints for important stuff like the matching abomination that has overtaken Overwatch for all of Season 3…

I normally could care less about skins and optional cosmetics… but I do wait patiently for Ashe skins and forked over $20 for the new skin… Dude, it’s not even playable… Her ironsites cover 33% of your POV, like you can’t even just try to ignore it, it’s way too obtrusive to use in a match…

I’m assuming ya’ll are gonna fix it… But I just wanted to post this to be sure there are enough people out there talking about it and that it does, indeed, get fixed.


thanks Prett! glad to hear it


i thought about getting that skin because of the elf ears and ashe is one of my most played characters but once i read about the gun obscuring the vision im glad i didnt

cool that its getting fixed tho

anyways here is a cool video of ashe

Oh sweet. Free name card for buying a skin prices bundle.

Interesting that he brings up the name card.

So they are aware skins that had their own name cards, minotaur rein had the labyrinth NC, medusa widow had the medusa NC etc, but those name cards didn’t come with those skins in the bundles?

Is this them admitting they are purposely not including them for a reason? I think most people just assumed it was a bug. Why make name cards that match specific skins if they aren’t going to release those name cards with those skins?

Sounds like the only reason they are actually going to be giving us the ashe one was because it was briefly advertised as being in the bundle. Which i imagine could cause potential legal issues for them if they didn’t now give it to the people who bought the bundle since it was advertised as being included.

But what about the other name cards??? Are they purposely not including them in their bundles so they can sell them separately later? Just giving me kind of scummy vibes. Its Like they had originally planned the name cards to be in these bundles, which is why it was in the ashe one, but then decided to take them out but forgot to take it out of the ashe one.

Its looking like how the winged sandal charm for the hermes lucio skin last season was originally in the battle pass because it has BP logo next to it in the hero gallery, not the shop icon. Insinuating it was originally in the BP but they pulled it out to sell for money. (This still hasnt been updated btw. Still has the BP icon next to it)

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Oh thank god lol. Just has been 3 seasons and nothing had changed so was expecting the worst


I think it is absolutely wrong of the community not to ask for a preview functionality of the skins of the shop, especially now that they are very expensive. in other games it is an absolutely important feature and with a very detailed special effects list in descriptions before buy it (see heroes of the storm) and not doing it is negligence that leads players to buy things that will potentially disappoint them.

Don’t see why not.

They could add a
‘preview in practice range’ button
so you can try the skin out before you buy it. See if there is new effects/voice lines etc.

Other games allow you to do this so its not a big ask

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in reality it would also be a legitimate request from a LEGAL point of view. Moira mime and gingerbread bastion are cataloged with the rarity of legendary and really have NOTHING worth that price, not even with the same cosmetic gimmick applied for Mei-rry skin which had an extra decoration in hibernation. These two cases of skins classified as legendary are two examples of very illegal scamming for consumers.

the same goes for skins that show different voicelines during battle for olympus or wrath of the bride: different voicelines during ultimate and evens voicelines that activate ONLY between themed skins (see olympus).

and last but not least, for the shopping of some heroes it is useful to be able to see the previews with the other contents of the gallery. See the special effect that is in the highlight dedicated to Widow Medusa with the petrification highlight (a small variation on how she poses). Or the skins of lucio and sombra who cover the chest of the skins with their arms. in other poses we can see better their skins.

why does it feel like every aspect of this game has “issues that will be fixed 3 months from now with the next season”?