Ladder is infested with cheaters in GM1 today

And if these players are still ranking up till there without bans, your game has become what we suspected with your F2P. I even tried to play on an alt acc in diamond/masters and there were cheaters as well. Your matchmaking is already a joke in terms of balance and to add this cheaters bs around. I legit don’t even want to queue anymore and even the normal games im already tilted from start and start to panic doubt a cheater on enemy team.


free to play games with easy way to create new accounts was going to happen , they should never have removed needing a phone to create an account ,


Try playing Europe on early hours… Its the same people over and over who are wintrading GM matches… And its always the tank as nearly all games that early are just Hogs standing in front of a DPS waving HI to give him ult so he can then wipe the players who are trying and down a tank.
Blizzard does not care about competitive integrity sadly, hope all companies like this lose massively because of their greedy manipulative practices.


GM1? I get at least 1 cheater per day in plat1-dia5. I can provide replay codes if you don’t believe me, yesteday it was a cassidy, the day before an echo. Both wallhacking and aim-locking. I was being constantly headshotted as genji by cassidy from 500 meters.


“And if these players are still ranking up till there without bans” JFL, thats your heckin good streamers.

yup, took the words right out of my mouth

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Diamond is full of cheaters because it’s one of those ranks you can climb up to with having ridiculous aim (aimbots) and 0 game sense.


Either you guys are coming up with bs, which is most likely true, or the cheaters I’ve run into are ‘really good at hiding it’. I’ve never had one game with one and I’m in diamond/masters lobbies. These claims are just cope. I could believe that theres only a few in gm, but what you guys are claiming is rediculous. I haven’t even had a game where someone got accused of cheating.

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I remember probably week 2 after OW2 launch, played some comp with friends (3 stack) who are mid to high ranks in all roles.

Played against a masters sojourn, she played decently until i started farming her with genji, then they started rage hacking. You could see them try and railgun our heads through walls.
The headshot toggles for when i was out of their fov were gross, it looked like their crosshair was smoothly dragged to heads without any hand twitching movement in normal gameplay pov’s, just full lock-on mode, then they’d go afk as if to adjust the sensitivity of their hacks, no typing in match chat, just standing still like weirdos.

That day i wondered if they were using soft hacks at first to improve their gameplay just a bit before going full blast, then i started really questioning how many players are genuinely decent at the game and how many use little cheats here and there to improve their gameplay (hiding hacks).
You’d be surprised how many feel a slight tweak doesn’t count as cheating, and that they’d justify it untill the moment they go full rage hack and say “that was a 1-time thing” or “they deserved it for being toxic” to justify their questionable morals.

Humans really will come up with any excuse but the truth is the end doesn’t justify the means.


I had a mess around with a friend in QP today, I normally play solo comp exclusively.
I witnessed several very obvious cheats in use over the course of about 10 games, seems pointless in QP but there you go.
Maybe some cheat provider was offering free trials.

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Like people are stuck with the idea of cheating how it was back 15 years ago with the snapping and spinning…
Today cheats are made focused more on looking organic, missing a few shots once in a while so you do not stick out stat wise to the system.
For example, just for 100$ you can already buy a chronus zen turning allowing for a mouse and keyboard to be plugged in and the system still believes its a controller so now u have mouse and keyboard with aimassist… And this is just one form of cheating.

Just go to youtube watch interviews with the people who develop cheats as they take pride in it and they will also tell you the ridiculous amount of money they make doing it as the market is very demanding.
Or just go visit cheater forums and just read about how they hide their cheats as if you can see their cheating its very likely they will get suspended due to mass reports so the main focus on cheating is also making their actions look as legit as possible… Its about winning the game not every fight.

If only you knew how rampant cheating actually has become you would loath even trying in multiplayer shooters… People should really get the idea of cheating like it was 15 years ago out of their heads as we are long past that and only really depraved individuals cheat that extremely obvious today.

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Thing with cheaters is and I have 2 cheater friends who I refuse to play multiplayers with now is that they simply can not even play without it anymore… They are so used to cheating and popping that when its not active they do not perform at all and do not enjoy playing.

Cheating became really bad during COVID lockdowns as people had to much time and realized there is no real punishment for cheating anyway.

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I agree, too many people cheating. The only way to fix it with our current technology is to implement aim assist / FOV BOTS for every player, then the only advantage cheaters would have is wallhacking.

Ultimately if we wanted to resolve this someone will need to create a closed console system that uses a proprietary keyboard and mouse, with no inputs or any practical way to plug anything into it, or upload/import software. Basically a completely closed system so nobody could install anything. Someone will figure out a way to cheat but there would be dramatic reduction in cheating.

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No one is cheating, I am not gaslighting any of you, these people just play alot of aim trainers. Here, learn from example:

You sir are delusional. I see people hacking often. There is a difference between good aim and cheating, because in Masters and GM they all have good aim. When people are prefiring blind corners and shooting at you on the other side of a wall that was never peaked and every shot is a tink tink headshot, that is wall hacking. Thankfully Blizzard gave us replay mode.

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Bottom text lol

Tbh the only thing that I saw was a little sus was the 1st clip of the soldier looking at the hog through the 2 walls for a fraction of a sec before running over, and the other soldier clip with good tracking on esperanca, but moments like those could honestly just be coincidental or for the 2nd one, lucky and good gameplay. Of course that may not be true, but it’s one of the 2 possibilities.

Cheats aren’t really that hard to spot if you ask me, but what do I know, I don’t cheat like them worthless hooligans.

There alot of acceleration and motion tracing over up and down the limbs BUT… never leaves the outline. Thats the pattern I want people to recognize.

Most if not all natural aim focuses on center mass or head hitbox if intending to. It should be interesting how different players have the same aim behavior especially the sojourns.

Like the higher u go on the ladder the more likely you are to encounter a cheater.
Hell with CSGO they already noted that 1 out of 10 players in the top rank is cheating and thats only the ones they banned… thats already 1 player per match and then you have the qeustion how many are not detected…

Cheating became so bad during covid lockdowns as more people noticed there is no real consuceunce to cheating.
Like just a quick look on cheat forums for OW you can see how you can tailor cheats for example that you only headshot widow and hanzo or triggerbot when your crosshair is close enough to the enemy head to make it look like an organic flick.

Its nuts as cheats today focus more one making it all look legit like pharah always ensuring splash damage instead of direct hits.

Like the punishment must be made in law that is so extreme that the cheat developers and distributors do not think its worth it anymore.

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