Kpop collab skins

The nails match the accents.

What is this abomination?!

Cursed. Absolutely cursed.

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Somehow, yes. It’s not very good either.

I feel as if the Junkrat freebie is some joke. So fugly.

Tbh. I like the bluish gray colors they have on the skin.

ew gross that skin is icky

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What the heck is going on with his elbow in this screenshot? THAT IS NOT NATURAL!

Is 2700 overwatch coins enough for just D.Va ? Thank you very much

Listen, I’m wearing that rat skin 200% just so I can get PotG and be like a kpop stan all day.

Blizz said: Oh you dont like the tracer recolor to be the free skin? Well your monkeypaw wish has been granted, now Junkrat has the free skin

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Definitely more than enough. Unless they lock the Diva skin behind a paid bundle that requires real money.

It comes free if you were able to unlock cyber demon genji