Both sides having an opportunity to snowball doesn’t automatically make it balanced.
KOTH doesn’t take that much strategy, the mode is very brawly and you can usually end up winning despite being very chaotic.
That’s called ult economy and exists in every mode. There will always be this kind of ebb and flow. When your team is at a disadvantage in terms of economy, you try to equalize by spending less resources than your opponent. In higher elos, this becomes even more important.
Yes, that’s why you usually take a fight off the point and if nobody wins decisively before it unlocks, the fight moves to the point or spreads out having people contesting as much as possible to prevent the other team getting the first cap. Ilios Lighthouse comes to mind here, you always meet in the middle of the map and then move towards the lighthouse as the fight progresses, unless your team comp benefits from setting up on a small space with lots of cover and brawling/denying poke.
It really just seems that you lack understanding of fundamental concepts of how the game is played. While the concepts are more advanced than what you would see in like, silver or gold, they aren’t hard to comprehend.
I’m with you. I love 2CP. Hate KoTH maps the most. Alot of the times all you need to lose is for that one guy to pick Pharah while you charge in without hitscan and you lost the first fight and by the time you regrouped and taken the point they are at like 60% already so you’re playing catch up.
KotH used to be my favorite map mode until 222RQ was added.
It used to be fun and chaotic, but with 222RQ, KotH has become closer to 2cp due to the Deathball playstyle that comes with 222RQ.
Now in KotH, it feels more Ult based than it used to be, simply to try and chew through the Double Shields and Sustain.
Double Shields and Healing Creep together make KotH as fun as 2cp, which is essentially not fun at all.
I used to love KotH for forcing individual play, and breaking up the forced team play of 2cp/payload maps. But now even KotH has fallen to the Deathball only playstyle.
I miss when everyone didnt have to be clumped up together 24/7. KotH used to be the most free mode.
As much as I hate Horizon Luna Colony or Paris I would happily take those two maps back in rotation if it meant I never had to play another KOTH game again. 2cp may be abusive at times but KOTH is so terrible on so many levels that I can’t even properly voice them.
It feels like KOTH is weighted to be the number one game mode played. I suffer through Busan and Oasis at least 3 times per map a day yet I can go days without seeing King’s Row or Rialto. I don’t care if I stayed bronze for the rest of my life If I had the ability to vote maps before the game started I’d never leave that queue.
koth is the most skilled mode, you both go into the first fight with no map advantage and no ults. If you win the first fight you’re probably the better team
That’s only true if your team is staggering HARD. If you immediately regroup after losing the first point then you’d likely only lose 20-40%
If you’re waiting until the point is unlocked to fight that’s half the issue. Take the fight at 10 seconds to unlock.
I completely disagree OP. I’d take KOTH over any other gamemode in qp / comp anyday.
2cp is the worst
Maybe we’ll eventually see the timer start off slower and accelerate as the match goes on, reducing the first win advantage.
Still my favorite gamemode, though, albeit it just by a sliver.
Unless the defending team loses the first teamfight in a short manner in which case they completely lose control of the ultimate economy and usually lose the 2nd point too in a steamroll. This is in fact such a common occurrence that the devs have literally tried alternative 2CP modes and tried to figure out a fix to this concrete issue. Unless you haven’t you should check the new blue posts about upcoming experimental card
KOTH on the other hand is fine. The winner of the first fight surely gets a slight advantage, but it’s way less impactful as you think so the gamemode is fine
I hate how chaotic control gets. People just die not because of being outskilled or something but because 2 people happen to be in the same spot to 2v1 someone in a strong match-up. Usually, there is not semblance of order and a directed front to attack when on point. It goes all over the place.
Having nature attack/defense position with funnels greatly helps people understand where to keep tabs on for flanking routes so they don’t die to something stupid.
Koth is relatively good but there’s a few maps that are just terrible to play on. Ilios Well is probably the worst because it’s just about enviromental kills. The Oasis maps are all good, same with Busan but I personally don’t like the sanctuary map. Lijiang Tower has good maps and Nepal has good maps except for Sanctum, it’s too open for my liking.
KOTH does take strategising. What are you even talking about? You can’t just run in and hope that something sticks.
You need to stop being so condescending because if you actually read the point of the whole post - the ult economy plays differently from KOTH to the other modes because of the point %. But if you can’t be bothered to actually read then I can’t be bothered to respond. Especially when your first instinct is to “attack” me and my understanding of the gamemode.
KOTH is literally the most balanced game mode there is. Everything is symmetrical and both teams are even distances from the point. No spawn advantages, no map positioning advantages. You have to make space to create opportunities. That’s the entire concept of this game.
you essentially HAVE to wait to regroup
I mean… duh. You essentially HAVE to regroup in every game mode. This is no different from any other map. Your team needs to regroup after they lose a fight. You can easily get 3-4 team fights in each round if you’re regrouping properly and not extending lost fights. If you’re healing and trying to survive through a 2v6 then yeah… you’re going to get to 40% before you can attack again. Just die and regroup quickly. You’ll get another fight in around 15-20%.
Switching is almost never an option if you are having to attack because it sets you back against a team that either nearly has their ultimate or actually has their ultimate. It means that it’s a lucky draw of who gets the team with the least amount of counters.
It’s not a lucky draw at all. Understanding which map you’re on and what heroes will have advantages is an important part of every game mode. ESPECIALLY 2cp where if your defense is countered they snowball points A & B. If you need to switch, then switch. You can do dry pushes and bait ults to even out your ult economy. Sometimes you take a fight knowing you’ll lose it to win the map later.
The mode is about setting up - but you have to wait until you can set up as the point doesn’t activate until after a few seconds - so there is little point of trying to set up on point as in most cases, it leaves you in the open and vulnerable.
Every game mode is about setting up… You should not be rushing to point and fighting on it when it’s not active. You fight where you have an advantage and then move the fight over to the control point when you need to. Also, you usually have your off-tank or a tracer or something contest/cap point while the teamfight off point is happening.
The percentage STILL goes up when the point is being contested which imo is unfair.
There are no spawn advantages in KOTH. If percentage didn’t go up, the game mode would last forever. Even in overtime, with the extra time on respawns, it can still last a while. Imagine that happening in every fight?
It really just seems that you lack understanding of fundamental concepts of how the game is played. While the concepts are more advanced than what you would see in like, silver or gold, they aren’t hard to comprehend.
I agree with Balsty here. Every concept you’re talking about is relevant in every game mode. I don’t see validity in any points you’re making that don’t exist across the board.