Know Before You Go: 2024 OWCS World Finals

Know Before You Go: 2024 OWCS World Finals

The inaugural year of Overwatch Champions Series competition is ending with a bang! Learn to find out how to watch, earn drops, and more on what's planned for OWCS at DreamHack Stockholm.

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The Neon Streets Mega Bundle (3000 Overwatch Coins)

Here we go again with the fundraiser


Yay, thank you. Iā€™d like more pro OW info posted here. I rarely know when matches are happening. Hard to support it that way.

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This sounds really cool!

Iā€™m a big fan of the OWCS!


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The optional fundraiser that you can choose to buy that will support the prize pool? How is that a problem?

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Hulk and Goldlantern are pumped! I didnt know this was even still active. :ghost:

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Give 10% of the Cat Mercy profits to OWCS and I can promise you that the amount will be triple of these recolors

If they really wanted to raise money for the prize pool, thet could have done it with new skins.


Cool. Didnā€™t know OWCS still existed. Havenā€™t seen much chatter around it.

Does it really change anything as the consumer? Just more shop skins like every other week. Just some of the money they make from these ones go to the prize pool.

Well, 2 are recolours. Mei is new. Iā€™d only care to get mei, not the 3rd colour of a like 2017 tracer skin.

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Okay thanks for that

Blizzard will contribute 25% of the revenue from all item sales in the Neon Streets Collection to the OWCS World Finals prize pool.

How generousā€¦


Unfortunately, Iā€™m not a fan of these skins.


Fire Aaron Keller first and all of the moderator team, theyā€™re all a bunch of incompetent slobs.
Maybe then iā€™ll consider pretending Overwatch Sports hasnā€™t died a long time ago.


You guys got Kong and Knifeā€™s @ wrong, you put @OWSuji and @SeicoeOW which are both on SSG

Fix your game, chumps

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Imagine being a corporate giant with untold levels of wealth requiring its consumers to cover the costs of your top tier tournament prize pools because youā€™re too tight to do it yourselvesā€¦

Yeah ā€¦ canā€™t see anything wrong with that at allā€¦

Iā€™d rather watch CS2 on ESL than this ( And I donā€™t play CS2 ). At least they donā€™t beg the community and playerbase to go out of their way to fund the prize pool.


Team4 didnt get their bonuses dude! Theyre still giving away a whole 25% of the money made off the prize pool crowdfunding to the prize pool.

Whatā€™s wrong with that? Weā€™re fine everything is fine

maybe they should stop investing in a lost cause if they want to make a buck instead of begging players to fund their nonsense projects that nobody cares about


the skins are absolutely hideous so if they were given to me for free, Iā€™d still feel ripped off