Knockback/Slow changes hurt heroes that didn't need hurting more than they gained

Continuing the discussion from Overwatch PTR Patch Notes – February 26, 2019:

So, flying/airborne heroes like Mercy, Pharah, Hammond, are now going to be hurt more by these effects than they were previously; these aren’t heroes that really needed nerfing; and I’m not even sure the buffs Pharah or Hammond received outweigh this. Similarly D.Va has already recorded a succession of nerfs which have reduced her impact noticeably in ladder play already; which arguably was fairly balanced to begin with.

Worst hit is Orisa, probably the weakest of the bunch, who can now be easily displaced from her shield into much more vulnerable positions. A slight movement increase will do nothing to help that. Fortify exists for sure, but it’s easily baited by damage alone and it’s not rocket surgery to just wait it out. Her biggest problem was never keeping up with her team - she has a good ranged cannon for that; the problem was just getting overrun by heroes who didn’t need to care to respect her position. Now they can more easily displace and disrespect it further.

Overall, these changes don’t seem right without adequate compensation for these heroes. Indeed when previously discussed on these forums, I’ve seen a fairly strong sense among the community that reduced knockback should be baked into all tanks - not see the opposite happen - when these bugs were fixed.

By contrast, already strong heroes like Lucio, Brigitte, and Ashe only seem to benefit further.

The whole approach feels therefore somewhat wrong headed in respect to overall balance.

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