Kirkiko ALREADY shows the problem with hero locks

I am very bright, they can learn the game on someone else for a while. I have spoken

You obviously dont get it, your argument pretty much says they will be bad when they get the game and learn the game, and they will be bad when they get access to kiriko or any other locked hero. Your just making the learning curve longer

And afterwards, not a peep from people. Kiriko is only locked for competitive lol

Kiriko didn’t exist when Junker Queen was added. Ana has had anti heal since near the beginning. Teams have been getting on fine without a cleanse, it’s not mandatory.

Yeah just block Nate that account has been openly trolling everyone about what P2W is the past couple weeks :+1:

just if you treat the game as a job… you cant miss a week…

I agree, but it also depends on how difficult the weeklies are.