Kirkiko ALREADY shows the problem with hero locks

Mei and Reaper can cleanse but they are garbage :^)

Shes not in comp for two weeks, calm down and grind on.

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Is having money the new “skill issue”? Should we just call it “wallet diff” from now on?


Solution -

Add that proposed Mercy rework that one Mercy main keeps posting that has a cleanse in her kit.

Problem solved perfectly with no other issues created. Easy.


Just imagine all the season 1 comp games where the enemy is running kiriko and countering the hell out of your Ana support. She doesn’t have kiriko and your match was already decided.

You cannot have competitive integrity with a system like this. There’s no reason to play this mode


The average person has, maybe, 2 hours of free time a day; assuming they aren’t a family man nor pulling multiple jobs.

While we don’t know the exact number of hours it will take, the average person is not going to spend all of their free time playing a single game in the OFF-CHANCE that they don’t fall behind.

Honestly, what do they expect long term? The players that come a year or two after the game’s release. They’re not going to be able to experience the actual game for weeks to months.


zarya :exploding_head: :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart:

Source? :thinking: (20 somethings)

Why would you switch to Kiriko if you’re not getting value from your antis as Ana? There are other supports that still get value if Kiriko is applying quality suzo’s constantly.

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This is false.

While I do agree with about hero locks being problematic. This argument is bad because there are multiple ways of avoiding Biotic Grenade’s debuff.

Tracer’s Recall
Sombra’s Translocate
Reaper’s Wraith
Moira’s Fade
Mei’s Cryo-Freeze,
Mei’s Icewall blocks grenade
Reinhardt’s Barrier blocks the grenade
Brigitte’s Barrier blocks the grenade
Winston’s Barrier blocks the grenade’s Defense Matrix
Sigma’s Barrier blocks the grenade
Sigma’s Kinetic Grasp blocks the grenade
Orisa’s Javelin Spin blocks the grenade
Zarya’s Barrier and Projected Barrier.
Zenyatta’s Transcendence will clear the effects of the grenade on himself.
Torbjorn’s Overhealth from Overload
Lucio’s Sound Barrier
Junker Queen’s Command Shout for partial coverage
Brigitte’s Rally
Symmetra’s Photon Barrier
Echo’s Duplicate will clear effects.
Wrecking Ball’s Adaptive Barrier

There are multiple ways, for multiple heroes to clear the effects of Biotic Grenade and it’s debuff.

False, again.

False, again.

Current debuffs in the game already:
Healing debuff

All of them can be cleared, right now, in Overwatch 1.

It’s not like barriers, jumping, stunning Reinhardt, or sleeping Reinhardt, or using Projected Barriers, or knocking around Reinhardt during the wind up time is already a preventive counter.

So 1/3rd of the team is covered by Zarya, and in Overwatch 2, it’ll be 40% of the team.

Just play Tracer, Reaper, Zarya, and Lucio. There, you’re entire team is now covered from the effects of Ana’s Biotic Grenade.

This thread really shows a lack of fundamental understandings of Overwatch by forum regulars. They can’t even understand that more than half the roster can effectively clear Ana’s Biotic Grenade’s negative effects, or prevent it.

While there’s certainly an argument to be had about locked heroes, and Kiriko, in particular. The arguments are hilariously bad and downright misleading.

Here’s a wonderful thing you guys haven’t even thought about; Kiriko’s Protection Suzu’s cooldown. If it’s 30 seconds; that means Biotic Grenade can be used twice before Kiriko can use her ability once.


It is at this moment that I need to point out that Blizzard has been quite okay with that being the case for Hearthstone constructed throughout its lifetime. If you’re a new player and create an account today, you either have to pour in hundreds of dollars or play gimped and wait for a full year before you’re on par with everyone else through gameplay alone.

Of course, that eventually became quite the problem for HS. It remains to be seen whether OW repeats the same mistakes.


this is easy to get around if they want, over time new players will have access to bonuses and promotions and events that will eventually have full content, if you intend to play comp it’s better to master a small range of characters that mastering them all is practically impossible.

They already instituted hero limits and role-queue, but go on…

kiriko’s is WAY more efficient, also zarya doesn’t actually stop stuns or other effects


Umm… the gameplay trailer???

Affects 1 hero

Affects 1 hero

Affects 1 hero

Affects 1 hero

Not cleanses, dont count for the argument

Can be used on 1 person

This reply really shows a lack of understanding of the fact that a cleanse is used for more than ana’s biotic grenade. Besides that, you can say that there’s “plenty of ways to stop it” all you want, but the fact that its considered so problematic at all ranks of play begs to differ.


For most practical purposes, it does, because you don’t die if you get bubbled after being stunned. It does block the stun if you were bubbled before the attack hit you, though.

you can cleanse the anti-heal in other ways also by going heroes that are resilient to getting anti’d, like Dva, Sigma, Rein, Moira, or, for once, playing around the anti-nade and respecting support as a role that can threaten tanks.

Tbh only plat tanks/bad tanks complain about anti-nade, I have never heard of a high elo tank who thought anti-nade was unfair.

They stated that new heroes will be fully available in practice, no limits, mystery heroes, or custom games. Even if they’re not unlocked.

I think that covers the majority of the OW experience. Arcade, workshops, and scrims.

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Thank you for taking the time to type that out. Too busy animating to point out that many flawed arguments.


I gotchu fam. Animate away!

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