My bet is everyone that submitted a ticket got an automated response after too much time passing without an actual support team member looking at it. This is what it looks like for me, I’m very curious if its word for word the same message you all got in your ticket. I wish we at least knew if we were going to get the skin at some point of if we’re the unlucky winners of an unfixable bug.
Thank you so much for contacting us with the details of your issue. Your information been passed on to the Overwatch team. While Customer Support is unable to directly assist with these matters, please know the Overwatch Team has continued working on solving reported problems.
Unfortunately, we don’t have a timeframe for issues being resolved but progress is being made daily. The best place to get updates and news on these issues is here:
You may also be interested in this news post which details the ongoing work and covers compensation for issues seen since launch:
Thank you again for contacting us, and thank you for your patience and understanding.