Kiriko Skin Plwease

Bring back terrible tornado kiriko SKINNN please :heart:

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Collab skin, likely won’t come back unless there is another OPM collab. Too late.

Yeah… sucks… especially since pink mercy came back. Surely wasn’t expected either.

Yeah, after years of begging from Pink Mercy mafia.

If you want Tornado Kiriko, you need to do what PMM did, and try to amass group of people under one banner, coordinated through discord (skype,w/e) , willing to make smurf accounts, and spamm Twitch, OW and Reddit forums, blizzard emails and One Punch Man makers, with desperate plea, made up arguments of how releasing the skin would benefit the mankind, and how many people’s life it is going to save etc.

Make sure to be as annoying and as stubborn as possible, and im sure you will get it back eventually.

It was also a collab skin, but one that could be happening every single year if it they would choose to do it. Franchise collabs are mostly a one and done thing, unless they partner AGAIN. OPM coming back is unlikely.

you can have my kiriko tatsumaki skin, i dont use it anymore after getting her awesome purple robot skin.

hahahhaa you’re funny

how about no more kirko skins for a few years holy hell

Just keep petitioning Blizzard for it and don’t give up hope like all the angry naysayers and aggressive moderation will want you to. I do believe you’ll have better success if you manage to form a group of like-minded individuals for a more noticeable presence to help with being vocal and persistent—but try to space things out so as not to be labeled as a serial spammer!

Give it enough time, and like Pink Mercy, I very much believe you will get your second chance. (Hopefully without too much of a price increase for the second go!) Good luck, OP! I believe in you! :crossed_fingers:

I do believe at some point they will return, Idk, I remember some (if not all OW2 collab skins) had: “Sometimes available at the shop/store” message, like every other OW2 non-collab skin.

No we need another sexy D.Va skin instead!

That skin is embarrassingly low effort. It’s mostly a black recolor with a couple custom model details.