Kiriko. is. not. a. main. healer

Stop throwing my games with two off healers please. thanks…


No…I don’t think I will


choice of character is never throwing


this per the rules of the game


Its poor synergy, but that is not the same as throwing, it happens all the time.

By the same logic running Genji and Echo on the same team is also throwing since they are both divers. Or how about Ashe and Cassidy? They are both marksman and you certainty do not need two.


Don’t make me cleanse your poor attitude. pops leather belt


She’s sort of in the middle for me. My Mercy/Moira pull out around 11k-12k heals/10min. My bap is like 10k/10min. Kiriko is 9.3k/10min. The rest are lower from there. Though that’s not including the dmg contribution.

I certainly would never want to pair her with Zenyatta, but pretty much every other team comp is fine.


OR! You can attempt to make the team comp work.

You have no control over what the rest of your team picks to play as, so you should try to adjust your play style as necessary and work with the rest of the team, complimenting each other’s strengths and protecting each other’s weaknesses.

If you feel the healers aren’t capable of keeping you healed, regardless of the reality you can look for a medpack. They’re everywhere.

If things don’t seem optimal, you have two options, you can work together and try to persevere , or you can just sit and pout.


We are not healers we are supports call us as such and learn to play with support comps that have low healing.


Or you yourself can switch to Roadhog or Soldier to compensate


Please throw that main healer/off-healer thought process away before we lose a support slot.

Besides the SUPPORT are mostly dpsing now anyway…every support is an off-healer.


Nope. Main heal + off heal is still a super valid strategy.

I don’t even know how to heal with the Naruto cosplayer. I just stumble around throwing scissors and paper until someone picks rock and ganks me.


But she’s so good with a flanker. I don’t think people have figured this out yet

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As is every character that gets a pocket support of any sort. It is still insanely aim dependent of the kiriko and most support players aren’t built for aim.

Double off support can work, though. Especially since we have one less tank to burst down. Won’t need a ton of healing if the enemy team is dead. Might not be the most optimal comp in some situations, but you can make it work.

I think back in the day owl dive ran on a single zen orb.
So you can make anything happen.


Kiriko does less focused healing than Bap or Ana, but more than say Lucio or Zen. The difference is that she is able to mitigate some damage besides that.

But you’re missing the point entirely; the game does not need a traditional ‘main/off healer’ anymore. With the pacing of the game, the improved cover placed in maps, one less huge tank health pool to heal up, and the support HPS passive, you absolutely can do terrifically well with two ‘off healers’…and that’s not including Kiriko yet, who does a little more healing. Lucio/Brig, for example, is perfectly viable. You just need to focus on aggression, which is what the game hard focuses now.

A lot of top streamers and T500 or pros are calling that Lucio/Kiriko will be probably the strongest support duo for the meta out of the gate once people get accustomed to playing as her…and that’s generally what you might consider two ‘off healers’.

Stop posting my line first!

I’ve been wondering what other people are doing healing and damage wise with her. In games, I rarely see 10k/10min levels with her from others.


She’s not a main or off healer and that’s the point because Blizzard is moving towards a direction where who you pick isn’t as important as how you play them.

I would expect supports are more or less going to be designed like Kiriko from now on where they fall more in line with being a support rather than a traditional healer.

No…I don’t think I will