Kiriko in competitive

I just wanted to know if anyone else is having all of their games thrown by kirikos. Bap is just better at everything she does and who ever doesn’t have Kiriko has been winning in all of my games.


Kiriko has different strengths and weaknesses, the same as any other support. The likely reason why you have Kiriko players “throwing” your games is because the people who play her are not accustomed to how she’s to be utilized.

Kiriko is capable of making both offensive and defensive plays and is much more mobile than Bap thanks to her teleport, making it easier for her to heal teammates. Her cleansing ability removed any negative effects from your teammates, and, if timed right, can save you and your team from a team-wiping ultimate.


Kiriko is great if the team knew how to use her ults and specials. 3 times I’ve saved the team using her instant invulnerability. Save it for a DVA bomb, Sigma drop, Mei ULT( You get to run away).

Issue is her DPS is really aim depended and her healing even at full heal is weak and at Low ELO where everyone feeds the enemy she’s hard to counter stupid feeders.


Most of my games are between masters and diamond where zarya is overwhelming the main pick. In this situation I’m saying bap is just better in every way. I could see her fitting in well with Winston or possibly dva but people just arnt practiced on her yet so games are being tossed.

That’s the real issue. It’s not that she’s bad. It’s the team and players don’t know her. They don’t know when to use that great ULT. They don’t know to save the bomb to clear anti-nade, discord, freeze and other scenarios. They don’t know that her heal can be pre-thrown to save someone coming back.

Also her healing is low because she can do massive DPS. I can solo Hogs with her. Every DPS I 1v1 is a win unless they hit me with their alt burst. I can solo Genji if I hit his head and bomb my feet when they dash.

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Yeah, I’m kinda with you on this. Switching between bap and kiriko, she just seems worst. Unless maybe you have a buddy who is a genji or other dive? idk, but baps survivability is definetly higher and his dps higher and more consistent. I guess kiriko’s invulnerability is up more often? but that’s about it…

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Her ult is miles better than baps when you get a team that doesn’t instantly run away afterwards.



Yep. I didn’t get on with her. The players that take her in comp are usually dps and use her kit to save themselves and escape. I’ve seen a few already with 0 heals

Doesn’t help that throwing the paper at people is pretty boring. It feels slow and I think that if a player was targeted when you fired the heals they should track to them, at the moment it seems like you need to keep them targeted until they actually reach them?

I agree. I have a good winrate on her, but really she’s not great. Her damage is too low. Look I get that they wanted her to be a precision esc character but ana straight up fills that niche better because when she gets a spare second to do some damage you don’t have to worry about headshots. They just need to toss the precision idea and buff her body shots to 60 and nerf the crit multiplier to default to keep head shots the same but body shots become better. Precision amps are something you give to dedicated long range sniper esc dps kits, not a support that throws out a bit of damage but is for the majority of the time healing. I don’t even understand why they took this route it doesn’t even feel rewarding to begin with. 120 damage isn’t even enough to one tap a tracer and it’s not like it’s easy to even head shot a tracer with a projectile to begin with. Another problem I have with her is her healing. What was the design direction here? Sure great they auto track woo great for healing mobile targets… except they aren’t lol. Genji getting microwaved by a zarya and you can lock onto him with you healing? Fantastic! Except now he moved 2 inches backwards and they randomly catch on some small object in the map like or pole or they barely tap a door frame and vanish. This also makes it hard to heal people from high ground if they’re close low ground you have to legit like hug very edge to heal someone which defeats the whole purpose of being on high ground to begin with. Think dorado first point holding the cart under the bridge and my tank is playing area just outside of it below the low ground. That angle is obnoxious either you open yourself up to the enemy team to hit you on the high ground or you risk your tank canceling your burst by it catching on the payload or something if you play from near the fountain. I really don’t understand the logic behind the tracking ones not going through walls when they’re already blocked by a whole host of other things including barriers, dm, and reflect esc abilities. Nor is it even like I could just sit on the opposite side of a wall and heal people. And god how slow they are is so obnoxious. The amount of times I’ve seen someone on my team who just uses a mobility skill the millisecond they take damage and actively avoid getting healed is crazy I’ve seen her tracking heal just straight up miss way too many times on characters using dashes like sojourn or genji to be convinced that this character was actually play tested prior to being released and designed to play on flanks with mobile characters. Idk I like her and I’ve always wanted a super mobile character like this so I’m going to keep playing her, but please blizzard don’t even buff her just give her quality of life changes. It’s the least you could do considering it’s literally the only healing potential in her kit

I suck with Bap, I feel competent with Kiriko. Maybe copium, but either way, deal with it.

And the rest of her kit is generally weaker outside of that. Bap has a hitscan weapon and isn’t dealing with a weird bonus crit multiplier gimmick. His jump boots are just a better wall climb too because he can use their mobility to help him survive anywhere and doesn’t have to stop doing what he’s doing and turn towards a wall for it. He doesn’t have as much horizontal mobility sure but his shift is way better at keeping someone alive outside of maybe a big anti because I mean yea Kiriko can invuln like a pulse bomb or something like that but it’s not like bap cant do the same with imor field. I feel like imor field is just so much more of an impactful cool down unless you’re actively playing against a comp with the specific wincon of getting a massive anti with like jq ult or an ana nade + grav

i think the issue is more that people are trying her out in competitive for the first time

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One of two things always happens when a new hero comes out

  1. The new hero is insanely overtuned and the majority of the playerbase can get good value out of it, meaning a team with the hero usually beats one without the new hero.
  2. The new hero is somewhere between being good, balanced or undertuned, meaning most people cannot get value out of the new hero, either because they haven’t learned the hero yet, or because it really just is a bad hero.

So, when I saw Kiri was released to comp, I got the hell out of there. I’m on vacation in QP for a little while - not the most fun vacation, but less frustrating than playing with the new Kiri mains.

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I think that’s the largest problem. People are choosing Koriko in Comp instead of quickplay or arcade. She should be learned in a mode that isn’t comp. Same really goes for any role and hero.

Been doing some scrims with kiriko. She’s very good with dva in my experience. People just don’t understand her strengths fully yet.

I have played like 20 games as kiriko now in comp, ive done about 10k healing on average, shes super useful of getting quickly to allies and heal and especially against anas no heal grenade. Plus other debuff ignoring. Generally if i dont do good with a support i change it anyways depends how the match goes…

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Her strength is her ultimate, but everything else is done better by other supports. Her healing output is low, doesn’t track well, collides with obstacles, slow time of flight, slow cast animation. Unless you’re a projectile headshot goddess, she gets less elims and does less dps than everyone but mercy. She has the worst self-heal/self-regen. Her teleport cast time is long and makes it useful only in setting up before a fight. If you’re getting pushed, you’ll just die (again unless headshot goddess).

LIKE i hate kiriko players. most of them have no idea how to play her and how to use her abilities. like plz if u dont know how to play her dont

I feel like a lot of people just don’t do well with her. I consistently outheal everybody as Kiriko, including topping my highest output game before Kiriko by almost 10k. Kitsune Rush is nearly an automatic teamfight winner. Her teleport gives her the ability to choose her engagements carefully; if you use it to engage, you have to know that there’s no way out so it’s best used defensively in most scenarios. Her cleanse is absolutely bonkers. Let me tell you how many people have died to ana nade since I picked up Kiriko: 0. It also cancels key sleeps. Her damage doesn’t sustain well, but I find myself getting more picks as Kiriko than anyone else (save for maybe Zenyatta, the partially mobile barn) because it’s a lot of direct burst damage.

I keep seeing comments like “everything Kiriko does, someone else does better” and I kinda feel like it’s the opposite. If she gets buffs it’s just over.


Maybe it’s just rank dependent. At my rank (bronze/silver), she is almost always outhealed by any other support on my team and the other team. She is almost always out damaged by any other support except for mercy. Her ultimate is good and does win fights, so at least there’s that.