Kiriko gets nerfed, but not sojourn

guess they want kiriko players to play more spawn simulator.

I’m also mad/amazed Sojourn didn’t get nerfed but I don’t think the Kiriko change is really gonna have any impact whatsoever.

The live Twitter discussion just said Sojourn changes coming for season 2. Apparently, she’s crazy powerful at Masters+, but underperforming below that.

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maybe they show some stats…

Because she’s a support that can avoid being killed easily, and that’s not allowed anymore.


The window is so short that I wouldn’t even know that it had invulnerability until now, and even then who in their right mind would teleport towards danger?
I get trying to save a cornered ally but 90% of the time I tried to do that I died as well so really, what was the point of this?


It’s the typical buff/nerf a hero that literally is fine and needs no changes moment from them

There is no point. only press buttons. OW things. :slight_smile:

Sombra’s issue was chain hacking, so they nerfed her hack and her damage.
Kiriko was nerfed because… LOL.
Sojourn is untouched.

Classic Blizzard balance.


Honestly if this is true it doesn’t surprise me, its expected of Blizzard to always do the wrong thing.

Exactly. I was just being satirical. xD

Sourjorn OP? Better nerf Kiriko

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I would not mind if they walked this patch back and sat on it. to re-evaluate.

If these are the quick balance changes we get, they can keep 'em.

It’s funny cause I’d argue Kiriko was a pretty well balanced add. Pretty hard to get value on her, but when you do it’s nice! No one shots. no CC. I can’t say the same for Sojourn. ><

Also, people say her swift step is OP, but it’s dependent on your team, so like it’s far more limited than Sojourn’s ability which is also I think a 6 second cd can be used anytime anywhere other than a few situations (graviton surge)


The one thing that could have seen a nerf may have been the invincibilty on Suzu but aside from that I agree. Meanwhile Soujorn get a ton of damage, mobility, One shot, CC and they think its fine. Gotta sell those cyber detective skins

well i guess ill enjoy “overpowered” sombra for a couple more weeks. nov 15 is a long ways away lol

I mean the invul I can imagine can feel annoying at time. However, lots of DPS characters, tanks etc. also have very annoying abilities that kill people. I think her suzu is quite difficult. Everytime I use it I have no idea if it was the right call, besides it can get eaten by DVA,Sigma, and deflected so like…

Tbf i may have worded it badly, i dont think it needs to be nerfed but if i was asked to nerf something of her i think Suzu would be the one ability to look at.

ah that makes sense.

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Didn’t see any stats. Hence, apparently.