I appreciate the work they put into it, and I understand a lot of people will like it. However, you hit the nail on the head by using the word cringe. The second I saw the emote, I straight up cringed. Also, the skin is awful and didn’t really remind me of Visual Kei. To a point, it did, but overall not really.
Not a fan of a lot of Kiriko cosmetics so far. I haven’t changed her skin from witch because I find it’s her best one (in my opinion). Hoping for more things in the future that are more well-rounded and less… I dunno, failed tropey?
Kiriko herself is a giant failed trope. She’s an insufferable character made just to extort money from lonely weebs, and I wish she’d never been added to the game. Especially considering how she ruined the lore with her stupid magic fox.
I wouldn’t go that far, though I can see the angle you’re coming from her. Her fox is no less strange than the Shimada dragons, or a talking Hamster and Gorilla. I enjoy Kiriko’s playstyle quite a bit, though it has absolutely nothing to do with her as a character. Her kit is what’s most interesting.
The hair doesn’t even come close to what it looks like in the spray, also, they could easily have reused Pharahs hades hair and dyed it blonde lol. That hair is far sicker and would fit her so much.
Every line and interaction she has with other people just makes her sound like the biggest d*****bag while simultaneously compensating ultra hard with her “don’t care” attitude.
Ngl the word “cringe” was the first one that came to my mind too when I checked it out. Usually when checking out dance or other emotes which loop I let them play for quite a while. Now though… yeah, too much cringe to keep going.
The issue is Overwatch’s devs said magic doesn’t exist. I know this because I thought it did, and whenever I said “Well, what’s Hanzo and Genjis ults then?” People said “I don’t know, but its not magic. Here’s what the devs said:”
But now magic IS a thing, and it throws up a bunch of questions in the air.
A.) Why is magic not used more.
B.) So, does Zenyatta use magic? If so, why? If not, why not? Also how?
And plenty more questions. Personally, I grew up with Final Fantasy and the like, so I love when magic and science is used together. I can see why some people are confused though.
Also, does Hanzo’s ult just travel forever and kill whoever’s unlucky to be caught in it?
Yeah exactly
I was gonna reply until I read yours
Her literally teleporting casually as a child and actually healing with the fox is crazy and ruins the whole “there’s no magic” thing they had going on
Not rly… almost all her voice lines are cringe and feel forced. Even her ‘reaction’ lines to stuff. Dva is also cringe, no deny in that but she is also younger than Kiriko and presented as a Gen Z gamer girl.