Kinda sad that I may abandon symmetra

I wonder if making her teleport exclusive for her would open space for improvement, like cast animation faster, lower CD and stuff.
People already complain about “TP taxi bot” and teammates won’t use her teleport for map positioning that much anyways, also repositioning an entire team too frequently is too powerful.

I wonder if making her TP exclusive for her could open space for improvements.


Her damage needs to just be flat damage. Hell, make it so that if she lands an orb beam combo she can kill reliably. It removes both sides of the problem. Shes doing no damage or all the damage. Beams are easier to aim and more forgiving, so just make it flat damage.

Man i have all skins of symmetra but 3 (regal, devi and architect.) I have gold weapon I have sunk everything almost exclusively in symmetra. its so sad for me to have to feel to abandon one of my faves

Welcome to my entire existence as a retired Support Sym main.

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Because they nerfed Sym Zarya and fixed the beam bug

If it help, the day they deleted Support Sym was the day I got so disheartened that I gave up trying to become a better player and changed to full casual. It was like Blizzard slapped me in the face for spending two years trying to master a character just for the rug to be pulled under my feet and tell me to start again with a brand new character that resembles my main just enough to constantly remind me of what I lost.

Since then, I’m only playing enough competitive matches to get my free icon, and the rest of the time is on QPC with friends or during events to earn the new skins.

That’s fair enough. I’m totally for there being more heroes that appeal to me, but OP was framing it as Sym needing buffs, rather than another potential redesign.

She’s really good at what she does, whereas a hero like McCree is probably overplayed. We’d all benefit from better usage of heroes in the way others suggest Sym is played.

I always liked that about ther to be honest. She was and to a degree still is one of the most unique designs in the game which meant that she’d never be as universally strong on every map as a hero like Tracer. Playing a game on defense on Anubis? Nice, Symmetra time for Point A! She’s the ultimate anti-onetrick character and I loved that. She was a good option in certain scenarios and an awful one in others. IMO there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s a good sign for diversity among the roster. If every hero would be viable in every situation the game would be a run-of-the-mill shooter.

Explain then why that symmetra flex players are very few. Most sykmetra players are onetricks or mains.

so at what point of nicheness does she have to reach before your criterion finally acknowledges her weakness being a problem?

because right now she’s either played as a battering ram for w1 in double shield or simply as a tp taxi limited to certain points on certain maps and the reason behind how narrow her “niche” is and her high team dependence is literally sourced from the lack of a good mix of effective range, sustain, mobility and burst in her kit. yet such a mix being present in so many of the viable heroes, even the supports (the stereotypical team dependent role).

Dont forget her MAX CHARGE TANK KILLER BEAM is realistically mediocre at best among dps (mccree legitimately does better at tank killing if he hits bodyshots and occasional headhsots, echo blows symm out of the water, Unscoped ashe , junkrat , reaper, soldier, Bastion even tarcer and doomfist are better tank killers. She is MIDDLE OF THE ROAD at the things she is supposed to do well like shield break and tank kill)

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Ive seen the worst now. People use her literally at start of games to tp people literally first few secs and then switch off and go tracer to catch up…

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Dont you think they should just move her back to support and give her a throwing hill ability. Its that simple… she will never compete against current dps heros.

Revert her ult to tele. Give her a throw heal ability. Do what you want with her turrets cuz they are a mess atm. Give her a moira-esque beam. Give her suM other ability to be able to escape. Done done done. Its really not hard… they lost a support because they over complicated it

Yeah, but the poor girl doesn’t have the fame or the playerbase of the ninja weeb, so no one really gives a damn about her except her loyal playerbase.

And i would agree. She isnt likeable true.

However, those who do like her are mostly from her support days… so just move her back

Her rework did not work. Cant the devs just admit that? And flesh out support again


I wish she’d go back as a support but with actual healing since now support only means healing in this game.

Her potential is in support. Her tele was always a support ability… as are her turrets and her shield gen.

She needed her original shield ability to be like brigs where it heals and excess turns to shields. Thats all she needed. It was such a simple tweak

Yet they put her in the most ridiculous spot. Now her kit is a mess and makes no sense


I agree that her current kit is GARBAGE. Symm 2.0 was easily fixable, they just had to give her a healing ability and replace it with her secondary fire or something else, and make her beam into what it is now instead of the auto lock beam.

They could have even have kept the lock on beam but nerfed the damage. They failed with her rework.

Admit your failure devs. Put her back in support


Theyd dint need to add that… They just needed TO BUFF HER?

You think they tried? No they didnt. Symmetra 2.0 never got balance changes.

IPf old symm had her beam lock on ina cone as wide as tesla cannon, throawble turrets and Sigma - esque shield (that was initially suggested for her) She would have been a great hero

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