Kinda sad that I may abandon symmetra

The monet she approached being viable (on 4 points out of the whole map pool) she got gutted.

bad comes to worse when echo is released, as echo while thematically different was everything that new symmetra wanted to present as fun and did it better. Symmetra feels slow and clunky, and she is not getting buffs, and i honestly even struggle to pick her for the fun factor, LETS NOT MENTION THAT picking reaper, sodlier or echo or even torb can get the same job done better.


The only rank where her playtime doesn’t convert into wins at the highest rate in the game is GM, where this month it’s actually maybe the lowest it’s ever been in the history of OW. If you look at GM over 6 months it puts her playtime as converting into the 5th highest win %.

Why would Blizzard buff that? :man_shrugging:

Because she’s only played in her very small niche. Win rate is nothing, her pickrate is atrocious and she’s terrible. She’s used as a tp bot, nothing else. Also balancing around like 1% of players is terrible game design that doesn’t reflect on the real playerbase


Synmetra 2.0 was considered more underpowered and had consistently the best win rate at over 65% why?

Because only one tricks played her on advantageous points that caused win rate inflation. Symmetra gets switched off the moment she does her job on the point and that thats what infkates her win rate. Her pick rate is still sub 1%.


Wasn’t everyone calling her OP in the double shield meta?

make y’alls minds up

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Ah yes the magic almanac defense, that tells all Sym players when to switch off and which hero to switch to, to keep her win conversion literally always trending amongst the highest in the game.

Interesting how the same can’t be said for any of the other ‘niche/low pickrate’ heroes.

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Funny you mention this, the exact thing occured to me as well. Echo is speed, speed and more speed, and Sym has weights attached to every element of her kit. Just as you said, it’s getting hard to pick her even for the fun factor now. She needs help, and I don’t want to hear complaints about turrets from any CS:GO vets or dime store Genji’s.

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The only time I ever have fun on Sym anymore is when I QP but then the enemy brings out Pharah. For all the “we hate hardcounter” threads out there, nobody seems to care about how that horrible hero takes a dump on any non hitscan hero. Playing her in comp outside of coordinated teams that use tp strats that only work on uncoordinated teams is suicide.


How does what people called her 7 months ago in anyway reflect her current state? Did you think you made some huge revelation with this post?


Yes, this is conveniently left out. I can sometimes suppress them as Mei, as my alt-fire is pretty good, but if they are good at evasion, forget it, or worse, that unsporting mechanic of Pharmercy.

She literally got a bunch of nerfs because she was ‘OP’ in double shield meta.


Was she OP? Or did the meta simply favor her? Would the whiners and devs respond the same way for other characters that do well with double barrier? Doesn’t seem that way.


I mean technically if they were balancing around the top 1% of players, sym would’ve been changed to be more than a tp bot + occasional battering ram for double shield there (wouldn’t actually be balanced otherwise).

but agreed on the disclaimer about win rates.

She had the rapid fire bug which made her OP, which was adressed fast.

Double shield meta which SHOULD have been her PRIME, was nope, sym can now actually deal the dmg on her max rank for a sustained time and the dev’s found that un-acceptable but they insist on keepin her gun as it is…

Sun stars and moon align for you there sym?

Omaima mou shindeiru! - Jeff K upon seein Sym being able to deal her dmg in an envirement perfect for her.

Didn’t they already say that they are okay with Sym being a niche hero? You can’t expect her to be comparable to other generalists outside of a few niche situations or specific task lest you want to abandon her identity.

Yes, its humorous that Jeff says “we talk a lot about Symmetra” then it’s instant nerfs. Coming from a Tank main, I am not surprised. I think they just don’t like the character, ngl.

They are moving away from niche characters, that is old design. I have not heard them say that about any character recently.


Isn’t that irrelevant? Ideally all players would switch off to other, better suited hero when they needed to.
To suggest, with absolutely no evidence, that all Sym players are veritable angels that will always and have always put what they think the team needs to win over their own preferences, and have made these decisions so astutely that the time they spend on Sym converts into one of the highest and most consistent winrates the game has ever seen, even though according to you she’s ‘bad’, is really disingenuous.

My advice would be, don’t switch off… lets see this awful hero’s winrate tank. She’s definitely worse than McCree right, so it shouldn’t be too hard?

McCree and Hanzo are considered overpowered by many and yet their winrates are in the gutter, why? Because this game is fought on/for objectives and heroes with no sustain or consistency are not very good in those situations… the situations that matter the most.


Do they have anything in common?

They would not. I’m sorry but how many times have you seen a hero become the 3rd best dps and get a 20% net nerf on every single part of their kit within 2 weeks. It wasn’t a nerf hammer, she was literally nuked.


When she was at her peak viability she was niche. Now she is worse at her niche than what a generalst can do.

Shield break? Echo and reaper do better
Hog does similarly.

High beam damage? echo

Area denial?torb, mei

There literally isnt a way to make it work. She is only viable as tp cheeser on 2cp attack


I dunno why people are claiming that Sym should’ve been really good against double barriers, as if it’s a fact. You gotta break through the shields for it to matter, just like every other DPS. 2 shields to soak your turrets when pushed is not good for Sym, the turrets are the most effective part of her kit. Acting like just because you don’t spend ammo to burn shields that standing infront of 2 shields for 15s before a 3s window to kill something means she should’ve been good. I played her during that period… the shields would go down and the supports/tanks would pop their CDs. All of a sudden you’re doing 70 dps to the Orisa and she’s being healed for 200hps.

Despite her elevated pickrate her winrate was still above avg, and way above avg for DPS heroes during double shield. Not to mention you had loads of novices playing her… I had no idea what I should’ve been doing with my tp.