Kill role Q but put in hero bans

His shield is made of tissue paper. Definitely not a main tank

winston shield is bigger and has more health than orisa shield, who gonna tell orisa she isn’t a main tank?

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And Hammond is a main tank? Lol

Winston definitely is a main tank in dive, not in double shield because, well, he doesn’t work in that way

What’s next? Remove barriers and buff damage? Give Genji back triple jump and blade uptime? Give Nanoboost movement speed back?

You know what why don’t we just revert Brig and Sigma into their 1.0 states and Mercy into her 2.0 state while were ruining and killing the game with horrible ideas to begin with :joy:

A the same old i want to carry i want to be impactfull, me me me, this is a yeam based game, you want to be impact then work together with your team and help the whole team be impactful

Now everyones Shield (except Reinhardts) is made of tissue paper. He can easily be a Main-Tank
Orisa -> 600 HP Barrier
Winston -> 700 HP Barrier
Sigma -> 900 HP Barrier
Reinhardt -> 1700 HP Barrier

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Not sure how that avoids GOATs? The OWL meta eventually devolved into one triple pick, a double, and a single with the comp being Rein/Zarya/Sombra/Lucio/Brigitte/Zen. This idea would bring GOATs straight back into the meta.

banning rein or lucio would pretty much shut down goats comps. hence the hero bans. players would maybe try forcing goats anyway for attacking a point in the first fight only and then swap

sounds smart. just skimmed through. i agree role Q and bans cannot co exist (unless there is like double the heroes)

condition 2 sounds interesting, prob better for a post update after u already implemented bans tho.
condition 3,4 are whatever. i feel like condition 5/bans will fix those problems and prob aren’t needed. (if its a problem then yea rework mei)

condition 6 is the norm for ban systems.

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isnt that why bans are a thing tho. like u dont even need that system. brig enables goats. ban brig and no goats. the only other comp they could do is quad tank with moria but u can counter that easily. and goats without brig is bad anyway. (need that no skill double aura healing)

hes main tank for dive comps. not standard slow push anchor comps. fights are suppose to be fast for dive comps to work. if u ever played season 4 than half the time winston barrier will still be up by the end of the fight.

my thoughts exactly. I missed the days of running 4 tank lucio+moira before goats was a thing.

it’s also specifically why i want 4 heroes of the same role not possible, and mei to officially moved to tank

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Goats was 3 tanks, three support was it not?

people on ladder and in owl were running a lot of soft-goats comps. basically anything involving 5 out of 6 of the heroes of standard goats was just called goats because the strat was the same

but TannerWA is wrong in the sense that even 3tank2support goats wouldn’t be possible with hero bans

Jeff already said hard no to hero ban.

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i know, unfortunate news indeed

Finaly, i always wanted OG goats back.