Kicked out of match then unable to rejoin

I play on console and for the last two days I’ve been having a recurring issue in competitive matches. I will find myself kicked out of the match to the main menu then receive the message “you are suspended” and am unable to rejoin the match or queue for another. The first time this happened was for 15 minutes and as of now it’s 1 hour. Please advise.


There is a time limit for rejoining, so if you leave too often, you incur a penalty.

This isn’t helpful and ignores my description of the circumstances.

  1. I didn’t leave. I was forced out and into the main menu.
  2. I looked to be able to rejoin immediately and was told I was suspended.

From what I can see on these forums, I’m not the only one who has had this issue - it seems to occur over multiple platforms and to people with stable internet connections.

It is a fairly nasty deterrent to participating in Competitive mode if I have to worry about being down ranked and suspended over something that isn’t my fault, and Blizzard needs to address it.


I’ve had this same issue. I always check my connection is fine by playing a Quick Play game before, as it has no consequences if I leave. I get disconnected midmatch during Competitive, try to rejoin immediately, and now I’m suspended for 8 hours. This has happened to me twice before, hence the 8 hours. Really discouraging.

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It happens if you DC too, not just deliberately leave. This penalises people who want to rejoin the game and continue.

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I don’t disagree, but I’m not a developer. Feedback about the penalties should be posted in #general-discussion or #competitive-discussion, depending on the mode.

That isn’t strictly true as the penalty is only half the issue - the other half of the issue is finding myself back on the game menu with no warning and a perfectly stable internet connection - no stuttering or performance issues before it happens. The penalty wouldn’t be a problem if I weren’t being forced out of the game. As brief aside - this happened to me again last night, only it let me rejoin the match this time. I still had the suspension - 10 minutes by the end of the match.

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