Kicked for inactivity due to stuck at loading screen

Kicked for inactivity due to stuck at loading screen


Same for me i got stuck in the stor loading thing, later i foud a game and my team mates said that i got kicked from the game


Same, can’t play with friends or by myself. Now i have a 75% exp penalty for 13 games


That happened to me too! I was waiting for the game to load on comp and it just got stuck on the loading screen, kick me out during inactivity and the game banned me for and hour on comp; for something that I can’t control! Please, this need to be fixed… I shouldn’t be penalized by a stuck loading screen and get kicked out for inactivity. The game never loaded! I didn’t even make it to the character screen! Pretty please can we get this fixed?


I have experienced this issue as well, 3 times so far. I just received an 8 hour ban and I am fearful that if it isn’t resolved I will end up with a season long ban.


Hi it happend to me are we losing any rank points did u know ?


is blizzard doing anything about this ? no! LMFAO JOKESTERS


This still has not been fixed.

I just got kicked out of Love of Geometry before i even got to load in.


happening to me as well


Same. I love the love of geometry game mode and I can’t even get into a game right now.


A link to my post in case you would like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Competitive Match Disconnection And Temporary Ban. Any help in spreading the word about this megathread would be greatly appreciated.

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Hiya, it appears that I have recently also suffering from this issue.
Any work around?
So far once the countdown clock starts it finally gets to character selection and I have only a couple of seconds to leave the spawn.

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For some it’s a connection issue, for some it’s a straight up bug. As far as I know, there’s no consistent way to fix this bug other than to hope the Devs eventually notice and fix it. None of these issues will be solved if people aren’t vocal about them so if the others in thread could, any help in spreading the word about this megathread would be greatly appreciated as well.

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This bug just happened to me right now. I queued for a competitive match on console and I was stuck on the “entering match” screen, then I was kicked and banned from competitive.

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Same here. I queued up for competitive and got stuck on the load screen… now I’m also banned from competitive :frowning:

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Same… 15 minute ban after being stuck in the “applying updates” loading screen after match found. Does that count as a loss?


Same. Just happened for the first time the other day. I do not want to end up with a long ban that was definetly not my fault.

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Same here. There was a thread on the overwatch reddit that popped up like 20 mins ago. Several people having same issue. And them boom, mods removed it. Tf is going on?

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Just got 2 losses from this bug, genuinely makes the game unplayable. I feel like uninstalling. Thanks blizzard

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Some good news, the Applying Update bug has been addressed by a community manager. Link here: [Main Thread] Applying Update - #148 by Joynueer.